Idil Baydar: “There is no fear, there is love”


The Berlin comedian Idil Baydar alias Jilet Ayse and her family are threatened. The Turkish-born Baydar is believed that this is Right-wing. DW explained to you why you have doubts in the German state of law.

“Get the fuck out of Germany, as long as you’re still alive,” it said in one of the anonymous messages that have been received since the beginning of March on Idil Baydars mobile phone. After the attacks on two mosques in Christchurch, You stand in a text message: “disgusting, fat, corrosive Türkensau, as it is today in new Zealand, we’ll pop you and Halise Baydar.” Halise Baydar, the mother of the comedian, who became known through their art, characters, Gerda Grischke and Jilet Ayse. Meanwhile, a criminal investigation proceedings against Unknown. Baydar has made death threats on Facebook the public. With the DW, she talked about the current state of the investigation, your expectations of the authorities and about the “incredible gift of the civil society”.

Deutsche Welle: you have become used to receiving death threats. But now the Whole has a different quality. What is the current state?

Idil Baydar: The current status is that I have a total of five threatening messages on my phone. I’m insulted on the Internet, or offended, that I should be an exile, I’m used to. But the messages on my phone. That is to say: someone has my phone number, since it has taken someone time to research the name of my mother, and – Yes – this is a “new quality for me, definitely”. Now everything is landed at the attorney and I will send the messages further to my lawyer. My lawyer Mehmet Daimagüler (representatives of the victims ‘ families in the NSU-process – note. d. Red.), because I think that he is for this case, simply the Best.

As far as the investigation?

Until now, the authorities have not found out who is behind the SMS. You have checked with the website, the SMS will be sent. The IP addresses were not saved, and the offender would have the IP-addresses are encrypted. I have just spoken with my lawyer. He thinks that the police in Berlin was rather busy, the case to the police in Hesse to get rid of. That’s where I live currently. Mr Daimagüler it has to be noted that each area can absorb in Germany, the investigations, since the crime was committed via the Internet and telephone. It makes also no sense, because we know that there are in the state of Hesse is a big Problem with right-wing radicals with the police. But we want to wait for the investigation and not rush to evaluate, what are the police doing.

How would you rate the attitude of the state law in your case?

I was in the security of the state, and have indicated to me relatively clear that you will not catch the perp, probably. Obviously, your options seem to be very limited. I didn’t feel, of course, to go to the police. It is currently quite difficult, in view of the cases of right-wing cops. We also know migrants that we will not be treated as if we were German. Of course, one cannot generalize that each official is so, but the tendency is there that we are not to be regarded necessarily as an equal.

What are your expectations of the authorities?

I have the expectation that the completely enlightened one is stuck behind it and tried everything to catch the perpetrator. Not only for me but also for many others that are threatened. I also expect from the authorities that you then need to add any, with regard to their possibilities. You have to imagine: I was advised, the Chaos Computer Club (a German non-governmental organization for computer security, editor’s note. d. Red.) to contact, because the could identify the culprits definitely.

You feel this as a failure of the state, if you will propose by the authorities as a step?

Yes, I feel so. That is apparently not part of everyday life for the police, the perpetrators, especially when it comes to Internet crime. That there is a page, from an anonymous text can be sent. The Chaos Computer Club may have more options than the police, is confusing and kind of sad. We live in times in which there would have to be the police are actually a division, which is also called the Chaos Computer Club, a Hacker that can find out such things because they have the necessary Knowledge.

Her character Jilet Ayse is fearless. And you have posted on Facebook: “fear yok, love var” (“There is no fear, there is love”). What Idil Baydar is different in this point from Jilet Ayse? Or is there no difference?

Jilet Ayse is a figure. Since there are already differences. The figure and Idil Baydar, who may have the same structure, the same approach that is definitely one thing in Common. But otherwise the figure is the figure, and they would also react differently. But I, as Idil, must refer to the solidarity that I know. The civil society has made me an incredible gift. I have received so much solidarity from all corners of Germany, between Germans and migrants. And that has already changed for me very much. Therefore, I could write: “fear yok, love var”, because I also get this kind of love from the civil society.

The comedian Idil Baydar, who was known for their art, their characters, the Berliner Gerda Grischke and the 18-year-old Kreuzberg Turkish Jilet Ayse, to an audience of millions. Since the beginning of March you and your family will be threatened.

The Interview was conducted by Aydin Üstünel.