Apple and Qualcomm put a patent dispute with


Short process: The selected jurors were just, as Apple announced in a dispute with the Chip company Qualcomm is already an agreement. The iPhone group is numbers and includes a patent agreement.

Apple and the chip group Qualcomm have settled their more-than-two-year-long patent dispute. All mutual claims are abandoned. The two companies informed. Apple is going to make a payment to Qualcomm, it said. An amount was not mentioned. In addition, a patent agreement, for an initial period of six years to complete – here it was agreed, on the terms and conditions of confidentiality.

Apple had accused Qualcomm to demand too high a licenses its patents to hinder competition. Qualcomm countered with the accusation that Apple devices would be used by the group invented technology without a patent license.

Qualcomm’s shares up 22 percent

Apple had set in 2017, its payments to Qualcomm. The chip group estimated the loss of revenue, together with interest at seven billion dollars. In the on Monday in San Diego, started the process of a lawsuit by Apple from the year 2017. The court had made it on the first day, nine members of the jury to select the position of the Apple-lawyers have just been delivered, as surprisingly, the agreement was announced. The Qualcomm shares soared 22 percent after the top – Apple-papers quoted a little higher.

Qualcomm CEO Steve moll head was expected on the witness stand

The process was scheduled to run for four to five weeks. It was expected that several Top managers such as Apple CEO Tim Cook and Qualcomm CEO Steve minor head will be called to the stand.

Qualcomm is at 5G-chip leader

The comparison now that the six-year patent deal may be extended for a further two years. In addition, there is a multi-year agreement for chip deliveries. Apple gets a possibility of faster devices for the new super-fast 5G wireless to offer the needed computer chips, Qualcomm is the leader.

Qualcomm Manager had repeatedly stated, they assumed that the dispute will end with a comparison. Apple had shown up to the last fight is funny. Qualcomm was able to achieve with his actions last December, a ban on the sale of some older iPhones in Germany.

Qualcomm is primarily known as a leading provider of Smartphone Chips is known, the patent licenses are the second – and more lucrative – pillar for the group.

nob/qu (dpa, rtr, afp)