Anyone looking for Humor, you find!


You think to laugh it would be nothing? This is a shame, because Laughter makes, according to a new study, in fact, happier. You may not laugh anyway? Look again in more detail.

Body and Psyche are closely linked. That has been confirmed by an American Meta-study scientifically. What some people might have already suspected: people with a Smile are happier. What we Express with our face, so it has an effect on our well-being.

Now that is a Smile and a Laugh such a thing. If I get first thing in the morning to a swollen, wrinkled Version of myself in the mirror meet, on the way to work in the longest traffic jam in the world, and when you come home, that I have excluded myself, what there is to laugh it?

More: gratitude – even if it is difficult

Kareen Seidler, press officer and research assistant at the German Institute for Humor (really, there is!), is sure: “if you are looking for Humor that finds him.” To the Emergency Seidler and her colleagues in coaching and training courses help with the search.

The social worker Eva Ullmann has founded the Institute in 2005 in Leipzig. It is about how the Humor in human-to-human communication can be mainly used in everyday professional life – explains Seidler.

Come what may!

Humor is the ability and willingness to react to certain things serene and serene. So it is in the dictionary. The Expansion of this ability, the Team of Eva Ullmann, from Humor Institute happy to help. “Our goal is to make the everyday lives of people through Humor smoothly,” Kareen Seidler.

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6 facts about Laughter

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6 facts about Laughter

“There are situations in which humour appears to be completely inappropriate,” says Seidler. Disease and death, for example. An article about the project of the German Institute for humour, “a doctor with a sense of Humor” makes it clear that It is not inappropriate. On The Contrary.

Humor Sagittarius people who work in palliative care, and death on a daily basis are faced, in front of the be crazy, said. Humor as a “Burnout prevention” and “kongnitives antioxidant”. But the Dying itself could help humour to endure the terrible Situation at all.

If people have in the face of death, nor the ability to be humorous and funny, then we should be able to do well also in the case of a problem in Everyday life, is it? “Positive reinterpretation” is the magic word, Kareen Seidler used.

A question of training

If I’m in a traffic jam on the roads or in the giant queue at the supermarket checkout, positively reinterpreted I experience in the Moment of absolute relaxation. My locked front door (I’m outside, my key is inside) finally gives me the possibility to open the door with the credit card. Or at least try.

The world is full of absurdities, to amuse

Because the fact is, I seem to escape harsh situations, even if I’m in rage like rumplestiltskin gesture. “Humor makes a change of perspective possible,” says Seidler.

But to be practiced. For the beginning of the review can help. About annoying situations in the retro perspective, easier to laugh. However, the trip-free everyday life has a lot to offer. Seidler says, we just need to open your eyes.

I have held, for example, for a time, with two friends on the lookout for an absurd last name. On signs, on the Internet, everywhere. Although it was years ago, I still laugh today about Prof. Dr. fear worm (if you are reading this, forgive me!). Such things exercise the “Humor muscle”, as Seidler says. So the everyday is not only lighter, but we – see the study – even a little bit happier.

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