“Tropical-Trump” flatters the Original


At the first Meeting between US President Donald Trump and his Brazilian colleagues Jair Bolsonaro little came out except nice words. Home of the winner was probably a different one: Steve Bannon.

You have given each other soccer jerseys, the relations of the two countries as “better than ever” praise and friendship of a Pat on the shoulders. At the first Meeting of Jair Messias Bolsonaro, by the media, “tropical-Trump” referred to the President of Brazil, with the US President, Donald Trump is little Concrete came out. In the question of how to achieve a regime change in Venezuela is found the supposedly identical right-wing populists have no common line.

Instead, Bolsonaro in hymns of praise rolled over on his declared Idol. He desires a re-election Donald Trumps 2020, Bolsonaro in the rose garden of the White house. Yes, he even think, finally, the socialists and Communists will each day more conscious that they were on the wrong track. As a verbal cudgel against the opposition Democrats has been unpacked previously not a state guest. “Thank you,” said a surprised Trump the Brazilians.

“In the history of international relations has not seen anything yet”, says Demétrio Magnoli, a sociologist and expert in international relations, opposite the Deutsche Welle.

“Socialists and Communists” – Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro in front of the White house

Already on the eve of the meeting Bolsonaro with his Statement, trump wall with Mexico was necessary because the majority of the immigrants had “evil intentions”, his blind allegiance to proven. Magnoli: “Bolsonaro has interfered with the wall of Expression in things, the Brazil business, and in doing so, he has taken on also still Trump arguments from the election campaign.”

No concrete results

Concrete results can, meanwhile, recorded no page after the Meeting. From one of Brazil dreamed of a free trade agreement, the United States had drained before the air. The hopes of Brazil in the agricultural sector, trade agreements, remained unfulfilled. Only the already under the previous government of Michel Temer, negotiated partnership in the Brazilian rocket station Alcantara was left as a concrete result. The space base is languishing since its inauguration in 1983, and losses.

Watch the Video 00:49

Trump and Bolsonaro exchange compliments

A small consolation prize could be a clear commitment Trumps for the inclusion of Brazil in the OECD, the Club of industrial countries. “But since it is only a personal gesture of Trump” Magnoli came. At the same time, the United States made it clear that Brazil would have to forgo in return for his special status as a developing country in the world trade organization. For Trump, this would be a lever to this special status for emerging countries completely abolish. Success, he seems to have so little. “Brazil would have to be crazy to go into it,” says Magnoli.

However, in the evening issued a joint Statement confirmed to the Meeting that Brazil would give up its special status indeed. You have to wait and see the extent to which this will materialise.

Nothing going on in the Brazilian spaceport Alcantara

Similar vague Trumps promise, Brazil remained as a “Major Non-NATO Ally”. In South America, Argentina has this Status since the 90s. A lot of it has not brought the country in the modernisation of their armed forces. “Dealmaker” Trump hopes to maybe lucrative arms contracts from Brazil. However, given the tight Budgetary constraints there is also a desire to remain the idea.

Possible Intervention in Venezuela

Also in the Venezuela question, it was not. Trump back to the well-known Mantra repeated that “all options are on the table”, so a military Intervention. It was a screw in the case of the sanctions against the Maduro Regime, however, “only when the center arrived,” said the US President.

Bolsonaro had asked the previous day at a dinner with investors, the United States literally to a military Intervention in the South American country. Brazil’s military, however, had clearly stated several times that a military participation in Brazil was unthinkable.

So Brazil has in the Venezuela question Trump nothing to offer. “Brazil can predict nothing, because it has virtually no trade relations with Venezuela. In addition, Brazil is can not support a military intervention,” Oliver Read from the Fundação Getúlio Vargas in Sao Paulo. “Brazil can do concretely nothing.”

China as a trading partner

Also in Trumps concerns, the expansion efforts of China to isolate, can Brazil offer nothing. “The U.S. wants to limit China’s influence in the Region. However, since Brazil is dependent on China, has Bolsonaro very little room to help him,” says Read.

Eduardo Bolsonaro, the unofficial foreign Minister and a Fan of Steve Bannon

Bolsonaro itself-in-law to China, and Minister Paulo Guedes left its economy in isolation. Had made it clear on the eve before the investors that Brazil have the right to operate with China to free trade.

The clear winner of the three-day visit to the global alt-right movement, “The Movement was,” says Magnoli. Had honor of its founder, Steve Bannon Bolsonaro invited on Sunday night in the Brazilian Embassy in Washington. Bolsonaros son Eduardo, who acts as the unofficial foreign Minister and also, in the “Four-on-one meeting” in the Oval Office, was recently named as the Bannons Deputy in South America.

“The interests that came forward in the case of this visit were not in Brazil, but the Steve Bannon and Eduardo Bolsonaro, who defended their movement, the nationalist right-wing parties,” says Magnoli.