Without measles vaccination for school or daycare


In the case of measles, no further infections, the following applies:! In Hildesheim currently, students have to stay because of the risk of Infection in the home. Some of the day-care center takes no unvaccinated children. What helps in the long term?

Instead of the homework in the Oskar-Schindler-comprehensive school were controlled, the Impfausweise – by the staff of the health office. Two students in Hildesheim in lower Saxony were sick with the measles. After that, 700 people – students, teachers and employees of the Vaccination card had to show that they were twice vaccinated, or do a blood test that shows that they are measles immune. Because around 70 of them have no proof, you are allowed to enter the school again only in the last week of March.

Several days before the onset of the typical measles rash, the Sufferers are contagious

Infection protection fails compulsory education. A ban on visitors for institutions such as schools or day-care centres is regulated by the infection protection act. In Munich, the visitors of fast-food restaurants were meanwhile called to report, because they could have two days of contact to a measles patient had. If you don’t have protection, and quick to react, nachimpfen.

“Measles is one of the most contagious diseases we know of,” said Susanne Glasmacher. It’s not enough to be in the same room with an Infected, it could infect even if he had to leave the room. The biologist is a spokeswoman for the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin. She warns: “measles can cause serious complications in rare cases – about one out of 1000 Patients – cause death. That’s why the fight is so important, so that we can eradicate measles worldwide.” The RKI advises the government, and to combat infectious diseases.

Susanne Glasmacher (Robert Koch Institute): In the 1960s, more than 100 people died a year from measles

2018 have been reported in Germany, 512 measles cases in 2015, nearly 2500, the majority in Berlin. The Numbers fluctuate for years. Most would have trained 40 to 50 percent of the patients in the hospital, says glass-maker of the DW. As severe complications related to your lungs and meninges occur inflammation. For years after the measles disease, patients can develop inflammation of the brain SSPE. It always ends deadly. Because SSPE is not reportable, there are no exact Numbers known.

High vaccination rates in children – gaps in the 20 – to 50-Year-old

In Germany, kids around the 1. Birthday for the first Time and with a bit of distance for a second Time vaccinated against measles. The Standing Committee on vaccination (STIKO) at the RKI developed vaccination recommendations for all protection. In Germany there is no compulsory vaccination, on a voluntary basis. Apparently with success: research showed that of the school-96 percent, the first vaccination against measles beginners, 93 percent, also the second, stressed glass-makers.

Up to the beginning of School, well over 90 percent of the children in Germany are vaccinated against measles

Of measles-free as it calls for the world health organization (WHO), would have to be 95 percent of the total population immune through vaccination or history of disease. Until 1970, when vaccination was introduced, sufferers almost all. “It was in the Sixties, considerably more than one hundred deaths from measles per year”, says the RKI spokeswoman.

After the introduction of vaccination, it took with acceptance. In the case of Birth cohorts in the 1990s, there were large gaps. Today, these younger adults are stuck in measles outbreaks frequently – in addition to the as yet unvaccinated infants and children. Therefore, the STIKO recommends that the 20 – to 50-Year-old, to check on the Vaccination and complement. A vaccination does not make sense, says Susanne glass-makers: This group rarely go to the doctor, was hard to reach.

Opponents to demonize

In a survey of the Schwenninger health insurance company, 87 percent of respondents compulsory vaccinations for nursery and kindergarten children, demanded, 81 percent for school children. Some of the private kindergartens accept only children vaccinated – the opponents. In social media, the fierce debates with Impfbefürwortern deliver.

Measles are highly contagious. The viruses are transmitted by droplet infection

Courts had to deal with the dispute as to the existence of measles virus. The number of strict opponents in Germany is estimated to be only two to five percent, says Cornelia Betsch. She is a Professor for health communications and deals with the Impfverhalten.

Betsch warns us not to demonize opponents. She has studied why people vaccinations reject. There is a lack of confidence in the safety of the vaccination. Often you do not know, the risk of disease: “diphtheria was once called the exterminating angel of children’, we don’t know, because we have never seen such a case.”

The vaccination card better not lose: In Germany, there is no Impfregister

Vaccination should be offered in more places to more flexible times. And: There is no Impfregister. Who lose the vaccination card, did not know what he was vaccinated. Could convince skeptics of the protection for Weaker, which can not be vaccinated. A comparison had shown that people in the West are more willing to get vaccinated in order to protect the community. In Asian countries, the case is of little weight, because the Impfbereitschaft be higher.

Risk awareness instead of pharmaceutical brochures

40 percent of the respondents from the vaccination survey feel about the side-effects of vaccinations are not sufficiently informed. Researcher Cornelia Betsch confirmed the desire for more information. The offer of the Federal centre for health education is only little known. In contrast to medicines, you get vaccinations, no instruction leaflet. On the book market as in the Internet, many have made wrong information to the people fear. Doctors don’t need more paid time-off for the advice, only to say: “Here I have of the pharmaceutical industry a brochure. Next Time we vaccinate.”

More information: the psychologist Cornelia Betsch is concerned with health communication and Impfverhalten

The Munich-based pediatrician Steffen Rabe puts a lot of emphasis on an intensive vaccination advice to the parents, he is the co-founder of the Association “Doctors for individual vaccination decision-making”. He also criticized Interview in the DW-that the frequency of adverse reactions will not recorded systematically enough. A second measles vaccination, he makes the antibodies in the blood to determine. If there is sufficient protection he does not have to be inoculated again. The reducing risks and save costs at the same time.

However, he could tell parents the measles vaccine in good conscience, that serious side effects are a very, very rare exception. In contrast to other vaccines, he was highly effective and none of the many parents of defendant’s companion-containing materials, such as aluminum or preservatives. He advises not to conceal, however, that there have been deaths, “but very few, compared to how many millions of children are vaccinated”.

Infectious diseases are mobile

Migrants To Infectious Diseases? “It’s about mobility,” said RKI spokeswoman for glass-makers. Although the measles outbreak in Berlin was expected to Bosnian asylum-seekers, but: “He never would have had a big impact, if the population would be sufficiently immunized.” Asylum-seekers are vaccinated in Germany. International visitors to the fair could also be infected. Vice versa applies: “There were from Germany, the Export of measles in other countries, where there were many deaths – for example, in Bulgaria a few years ago.”

Injection against measles, Mumps, and rubella: Also, asylum seekers are vaccinated in Germany

The psychologist Cornelia Betsch have experienced, such as mobility, the vaccine critics can change your mind. A German couple in London have been arguing about the Polio vaccination for your child. The grandmother, a naturopath, pleaded always been against vaccinations. But she knew that it was in the countries from which people come to Europe, and Polio outbreaks. Only one in 200 Infected with the disease. You argued: “you travel constantly U-Bahn, because there may be a lubrication infection – once up on the wall in focus, then you have Polio in the house.” The child was vaccinated.

How is it for the students?

At the Oskar-Schindler-gesamtschule in Hildesheim, the teaching goes according to Plan. The teachers were first tested. Other diseases it was not. The excluded students will receive the Material electronically. Individual can work in a post-rubbing, informed school leaders Andrea Berger of the DW.

You have previously experienced no measles outbreak, students and parents reacted with understanding. Debates about vaccinations not have given it to: “Many have nachimpfen.”