A year after the death of Marielle Franco: “Marielle present!”


Black, a lesbian and rebellious – a year ago, murdered a politician Marielle Franco has become a global icon. The conservative-dominated policy of Brazil does not like that anyway.

Shortly before the anniversary of her murder there was still the long-awaited news in the murder case, Marielle Franco. On Tuesday, investigators arrested two police officers from the slums Maré-born politician and your driver Anderson Gomes on the evening of 14. March 2018 in the centre of Rio de Janeiro with a bullet volley killed. But who is behind the murder, is more in the dark.

Since the night of the murder signs with the inscription “Marielle presente” – “Marielle present” – on demonstrations for women and LGTB – rights in the whole of Brazil. Also in Berlin, Paris or Lisbon, you know Marielles on T-Shirts printed, striking Konterfeit. On that 14. March was shot in a hitherto almost unknown politician. And a symbol was born.

Arrest in the murder of Franco in the police milieu

Racism in Brazil’s history

You keep fighting to feel this Marielle close, wrote her a widow, Monica Benício on Wednesday in the newspaper “Folha de S. Paulo”. “But there is more to it, it is not a matter to ignore what is happening in Brazil. Our country is killing people, the Black people in jail, killing women and LGBTs, abused children and young people. It is a country that does not want to have racism come true, inherent in its history.”

Ten years Marielle was the assistant to the left-wing politician Marcelo Freixo, who got through his fight against the Mafia, a similarly-organized and corrupt police officers mentioned militias in the slums to the sights. For years, he is, therefore, under police protection. 2016 Marielle was elected to the city Council, where she denounced the unrestrained violence of the police and the militias in the Favelas, and more rights for the indigenous black women claimed.

Talíria Petrone continues the fight by Marielle Franco

 Against the militarisation of the Favelas

A commitment that one of the enemies it creates, white Talíria Petrone. As councillor of Rio’s neighboring city of Niterói, she was threatened by the militias, which have long been in the policy to Say that. Since January, she is now a Deputy in the Brazilian Parliament, and one of four black, from the slums of the root of the blue inside of Marielle, who could win the elections in October mandates. A one-time process in the Brazilian politics.

“Marielle is the fight against the criminalization and militarization of the Favelas, where the state kills every day, dozens of young people,” said Petrone, compared to the DW. Seventy percent of all Murdered in Brazil are dark-skinned, she remembers. “These Figures reflect the state-perpetrated genocide.”

Charismatic activist and now a symbolic figure: Marielle Franco (in January 2018)

Marielle fought also against LGBT-phobia and murders of Women. “Marielle has had to learn all this on my own body, as a woman, as Black, as a resident of a Favela, as a socialist. Their political struggle, however, was exactly.”

Also Talíria in Brasília already experiences with everyday racism. Several times you have denied access to the Parliament and members ‘ offices. Her dark skin color, Afro Curl, their colorful clothes – all the trust in the corridors of Power at the rejection. Experience gained by Marielle in the city Parliament of Rio. Members would not want to go with her in the same Elevator, the recall of former employees.

Hostility from the right

On Tuesday, Marcelo Freixo, in the Brazilian Parliament was interrupted when a assessment Marielles of a politician in the PSL, the party of the right-wing populist President, Jair Messias Bolsonaro,. He condemn the violence against Marielle, but reject totally the way they lived, the politicians. What bothered him, he left it open.

After her murder Marielle from the right-conservative circles hostile action. On the Internet, it was reviled as an alleged accomplice of drug gangs. Two candidates of the PSL torn in the election campaign, even signs with your name on it. Bolsonaro himself praised always militias Rios; investigation now open to even a strange near his son to a militia, which could be involved in Marielles murder.

Police in the Favelas: a Good job, or part of a corrupt system?

The rejection of black women in positions of power have cultural reasons, says communication scholar Ariadne Jacques to the DW. “We will not tolerate a combative woman, a woman who challenges the power structures in question.”

Your self-confident demeanor, your demanding and accusatory Talk, to your appearance – everything Marielle had violated the traditional Brazilian woman picture. “A woman must be tame,” recalls Jacques.

Danger for the Powerful

“This is a culture that promotes more of the type of blond, almost angelic women, the seem harmless, tame, adapt and follow. So more of Michelle’s and Marcelas instead of Marielles,” said Jacques, in allusion to the current First Lady Michelle Bolsonaro and its predecessor, Marcela Temer. Of the two, no political Statements are handed down. “This culture is not a woman with impunity, authority (empowerment). Marielle was a great threat to the existing power structure.”

Intimidated do not let promises Talíria Petrone. “It is dangerous to live in Brazil, and it is dangerous to fight in Brazil. But never before has it been so necessary to stay hard and this fight continue.”