Charlotte Rampling is challenging the audience


Your movies caused Controversy and provoked with explicit depictions of Sex and violence. Now the British actress Charlotte Rampling receives the honorary Golden bear for her life’s work.

In its over five-decade-long career, played by Charlotte Rampling is more than 110 Film and TV roles, and in English, French and Italian shot. Younger viewers, she is from the TV series “Dexter” known to followers of European cinema, you know to appreciate for their haunting game, such as “45 Years” or “Hannah”.

The 73-year-old, award-winning actress is on the 14. February at the Berlin International film festival honored with the Golden Ehrenbär for her life’s work. Rampling, who turned with such Directors as Woody Allen (“Stardust Memories”, 1980) and Lars von Trier (“Melancholia”, 2011) and as the Muse of François Ozon was (“Under the Sand”, 2000; “Swimming Pool”, 2003; “Angel”, 2007), was always defined by her sexual Aura, especially in Conjunction with their controversial roles and films.

Liberation in the London art scene

As a young woman she had taken refuge in the London art scene alike, and freedom found, after you had been brought up by her father, a relay race the Olympic champion and professional officer, with strict discipline. By model jobs for fellow photographers, she realized her effect on others. So Rampling decided to try it with the acting.

Initially she appeared as an extra in Richard Lester’s Beatles Musical “A Hard Day’s Night” (1964) and his Film “The Knack” (1965). A year later, she got the role of a superficial and hedonistic woman in Silvio Narizzanos “Georgy Girl”, which dealt with the sexual liberation in the liberal London of the 1960s.

In the same year, Ramplings sister, two years older took her own life. Charlotte’s father insisted that her mentally unstable mother could never know of the cause of death. After the family tragedy Rampling plunged into the work.

With “The Damned,” was Charlotte Rampling in 1969 in challenging cinema

In the historical drama “The Damned,” the master Italian Director Luchino Visconti, played in 1969, her first demanding role. The Oscar-nominated work traced the rise of the Nazis on the basis of the family from Essen Beck, holding a steel group in the Ruhr area and of the real industrial dynasty of the Krupps was inspired. The Film provoked with illustrations and hints of incest, pedophilia, homosexuality, murder, drug addiction and suicide.

Rampling embodied therein a mother with moral propriety: On the run from the Gestapo, you will be sent with your children from the Nazis in a concentration camp. Rampling was afraid at first that she was Mature enough to have a nearly ten years older woman. Visconti eventually convinced them: “I can see it behind your eyes, you’re in any age.”

“The Look” is the trademark

Those eyes, mysterious and cat blue, were the hallmark of the actress. Your colleague Dirk Bogarde called “The Look”. According to “The Damned” played in 1974, again with Bogarde. In Liliana Cavanis controversial erotic drama “The night porter” gave Rampling a Holocaust Survivor, which meets in 1957, happened to be on the former Nazi officer (Bogarde), who had been raped in a concentration camp, and at the same time protected. In the result, they take their sado-masochistic “love relationship”.

The Film is considered to be one of the first representations of the Stockholm syndrome: in 1973 coined term describes the physiological dependence that develops a hostage to her captors. Many of the Film however was considered as a scandal, because he is explicit sexual representations with a fictional narrative about the national socialism Association.

“The night porter”: A Holocaust-a Survivor of a sado-masochstic game with your tormentor

Cavani claimed that their work had been inspired by the testimonies of non-Jewish Partisans who had survived the concentration camp at Dachau. Many critics certified to the level of the Film, however, is at best thin documentary and included historical inaccuracies. “The anguish of the prisoners in the Camps are simply exploited only to the Sensation’s sake,” wrote a critic for the New York Times, a colleague described the Film as “a piece of junk”.

“The night porter” was also prominent supporters, welcomed the completion of the taboo. The Film finally established a new Genre: Naziploitation. Such films combine sexual exploitation, with the depiction of Nazis. Its Aesthetic owes a lot to the Film, the recording in the video series, Criterion Collection, “includes important classic and contemporary films”.

She’s got the Look: Charlotte Rampling receives the Golden Ehrenbär for your life’s work

Not only the Film, but also Charlotte Rampling’s self was hard criticism – not worn off, apparently. In the film biography “The Look” (2011) recalls the actress, on the reaction of the New Yorker critic Pauline Kael, who made her allegations because she had accepted the role at all.

As a motive for their decision-Rampling once called, that they would have been familiar to Dirk Bogardes judgment. Although they have recognized the hazards of the script went out, but: “There was something so Fascinating about the topic, that I could not make it impossible.”

In her film biography, Rampling says that she wanted this experience, not refrain from controversial roles. “I knew that if I would not play this kind of roles, I would have to return to the cinema the back. The entertainment genre has not interested me particularly.”