“Anti-deportation industry” is the word of the year 2018


Language is not neutral, the non-word-Jury wants to raise the awareness of the people. The term “Anti-deportation-industry” was coined by the CSU-politician, Alexander Dobrindt in may 2018. And thus provided for discussion.

It was last year in the spring. The CSU politician Alexander Dobrindt had referred to complaints against the deportation of rejected asylum-seekers as a Sabotage of the rule of law and an “Anti-deportation industry”. This expression from chose a Jury of scientists said to be the “word of the year 2018”. The reason: Dobrindt under the position of those rejected asylum seekers, supported legally, the intention of criminally refugees to protect, in order to earn money.

Such a Statement from a major politician from a government party to show “how the political discourse in terms of language and in the thing to the right has postponed, and thus the predictability of rules in our democracy, worsened change,” said the spokeswoman for the “word of the year”Jury, Nina Janich, on Tuesday (15.01.) in Darmstadt, Germany.

Terms that are poisoning the climate

The action “word of the year” since 1991. It is awarded each year to a term that would be against the “principle of the people” or against the “principles of democracy” is a violation. For the year 2016, the choice fell on “people’s traitors”, 2017, the term was named “Alternative facts” to the “word of the year”.

  • Unworte of the year from 2007 to 2018

    2018: “Anti-Deportation Industry”

    This term, the CSU politician Alexander Dobrindt coined in may 2018, in an Interview to the asylum debate. The Jury, under the direction of Nina Janich (photo) chose the expression to the “word of the year”, because Dobrindt thus, those who supported rejected asylum seekers, legally, to make the intention, to want to be a criminal to become refugees to protect, to make money.

  • Unworte of the year from 2007 to 2018

    2017: “Alternative Facts”

    Who does not know – the “alternative facts” of the US President, Trump. For the first time, his Advisor, Kelly Anne Conway took in January 2017 these words in the mouth, in order to justify in the political talk show “Meet the Press” a false statements of the then spokesperson of the White house, Sean Spicer: It was a question that the inauguration Trumps supposedly visited the best ever.

  • Unworte of the year from 2007 to 2018

    2016: the people’s traitor

    The word of the year 2016 was selected from the 594 proposals. This word is “a typical legacy of dictatorships, especially of the national socialists”, was the verdict of the Jury in 2016. As a reproach to the politicians (here: Sören fall of the Alliance 90/The Greens) was the word defamatory and, and choke off the democracy necessary discussions in the society.

  • Unworte of the year from 2007 to 2018

    2015: do-gooder

    In 2015, the refugee debate split the Nation. The dictionary defines someone as a “do-gooder”, “behaves in a non-critical, exaggerated, or annoying perceived, in the sense of Political Correctness”. To vaccinate volunteer Refugee workers, for instance, is strictly “tolerance and a willingness to help a lump sum of as naive, stupid and unworldly”, was the verdict of the Jury.

  • Unworte of the year from 2007 to 2018

    2014: lying press

    There are terms that should be take in the view of critics no one in the mouth. To the lies of the press””: The word has already served in the First world war as a means of fighting the national socialists defamed as independent media, and recently wrote to supporters of the Pegida movement, the word on their posters. Such a blanket condemnation would endanger the freedom of the press, the Jury found.

  • Unworte of the year from 2007 to 2018

    2013: social tourism

    “The term is made by some politicians and media sentiment against unwanted immigrants, especially from Eastern Europe,” was the Jury in the choice of Unworts 2013 agree. To want you you, social services. The combination of “social” and “tourism” was particularly controversial because it is suggesting that immigration Not be a pleasure trip.

  • Unworte of the year from 2007 to 2018

    2012: Victim-Abo

    The term was coined from the celebrity weather presenter Jörg Kachelmann. After he had been spoken to in a rape trial, he complained in an Interview that women have in society a “victim-subscription”. The Jury (picture: Nina Janich) criticised the fact that he has the position of women “package, and in an unacceptable manner” under the suspicion of inventing sexual violence.

  • Unworte of the year from 2007 to 2018

    2011: Döner-Murders

    For years, the word circulated, to designate the murders of eight Turkish and one Greek entrepreneur. It was an internal feud and misunderstood, that the series of murders perpetrated by the racist terrorist group NSU. With the word “Döner”, a Turkish dish, called a racist, a whole group of the population and the victims of discrimination to the Jury.

  • Unworte of the year from 2007 to 2018

    2010: alternative

    The term was coined by German Chancellor Angela Merkel in relation to the financial assistance for the bankrupt Greece. Later, the word had been used “alternative” politicians inflationary, so the Jury. It suggest, incorrectly, that “there is a decision-making process from the outset no Alternatives and therefore also no necessity of debate and reasoning”.

  • Unworte of the year from 2007 to 2018

    2009: works Council contaminated

    In a television broadcast of the employees of a company that had publicly stated that Department heads use this word for workers involved in the works Council for their interests. “The perception of the interests of Employees interfere, although many companies, they refer to as the ‘disease’ is, however, a linguistic low point in dealing with wage-related”, the Jury found in 2009.

  • Unworte of the year from 2007 to 2018

    2008: Non-Performing Banks

    The concept of the relationship of causes and consequences of the world economic crisis on the head, justified the Jury in 2008, your choice. The banks with their financial policy is the cause of the crisis, the burden would bear the taxpayer. The banks authorize as a distressed victim to style, does not correspond to the reality.

  • Unworte of the year from 2007 to 2018

    2007: stove premium

    The care money, the parents who educate their children at home, was re-christened by critics of the financial syringe in the “stove premium”. In order to depreciate, especially women, also such, which was the education of children for the sake of your career break or give up to “cricket on the hearth”, the Jury chose the word to the worst linguistic blunder of the year 2007.

    Author: Suzanne Cords

In this year, 508, various terms were received as the proposals for the “word of the year”. Only about 60 of them, however, were the criteria of the language-critical action, Janich. Less than 15 words have involved the Jury in the shortlist. Including the concepts of “human rights fundamentalism” and “anchor center”.

Most often, the term “asylum tourism”, as well as by the AfD-Chairman Alexander Gauland, the term “bird shit” has been proposed. At the Federal Congress of the AfD-young organization, the Chairman of the right-wing populist party “Alternative for Germany” had said: “Hitler and the Nazis are just a bird shit in over 1000 successful years of German history.” The rate fell to a commitment Gaulands to the responsibility of the Germans for national socialism, with millions of murdered Jews and millions of war dead.

For language awareness

Responsible for the much-acclaimed selection of Unworts a Jury of four linguists and journalists, supplemented by an annually changing guest. The action itself is institutionally independent. You want to promote a conscious use of the language by referring to terms that discriminate, mislead or democratic principles injured. The Jury chooses from the proposals, anyone can submit on the Internet.

“For us, it’s about words used in the German public discourse as a matter of course and upon closer analysis, however, defamatory or discrediting,” said Nina Janich, compared to the “süddeutsche Zeitung”.

pl/Cape (dpa,kna, www.unwortdesjahres.net)