The data Theft and the consequences


The passwords are changed, the data thief is caught, but still, the Hacking is not completed, the scandal around the German politician. In Committee, the Opposition calls for better protection and warns of more Monitoring.

Special meeting of the Committee on internal Affairs to the data Theft at the same time, a round personally Affected. Because the politicians and Celebrities whose private data is gathered, a young man from Hessen and released, were numerous members of the Bundestag. So, too, Konstantin von Notz of the Green. As a member of the interior Committee, he had on Thursday in a non-public meeting the opportunity to ask interior Minister Seehofer, why he and others learned only from the media.

Calls for Standards for data encryption: The Green MP Konstantin von Notz after the Committee meeting

“Mr Seehofer, and the President of the Federal office for security in information technology, as well as the Federal criminal police office say that the reporting channels are difficult,” said von Notz after the special session in the DW-interview. “You get no indication of this Leak. Now the lens is not trivial, but when you see how important IT security is, then we need to work urgently on improvements.” Von Notz, the prohibition of trade with gaps in security calls for, among other things. Critically, he sees the idea, with the so-called Hackbacks hackers and their devices to attack. In addition, you need to talk about whether deputies are permitted to use their own communication devices or a specially protected infrastructure.

Data in the Darknet bought?

For some days the data was kept to a thief, the whole political life in Germany. Not a Top Hacker, not a foreign intelligence service, but a young man, 20 years old, living at home with his parents in Homberg in Hesse, Germany. Because he was angry about the Statements of some politicians, he presented data from around 1,000 politicians and other Celebrities, also by Ministers and even by Chancellor Angela Merkel, and into the net.

The editorial recommends

In Germany, the data of 1,000 politicians and Celebrities were stolen. A view to the neighboring European countries proves that Against data abuse and Hacker attacks also have digital pioneer no prescription. (09.01.2019)

After the hacker attacks, the Federal government has announced the Minister of the interior, the planned “IT-security law 2.0” is preferable. Internet users are in the obligation. Previously, the default parameters are already Hacker explained his motives. (08.01.2019)

No, it is not professional hackers were gangs, the private information of politicians and Celebrities have stolen. That it is “only” a student, should not reassure us, but, says Martin Muno. (08.01.2019)

At least a part of which the young man had purchased in the Internet, writes on Thursday the newspaper. There it is, the man gained access to the accounts of those Affected, social media, and other data in the so-called Darknet. Therefore, the competent office of the Prosecutor General Frankfurt receiving stolen property locate on the Main also because of Data. This has at least confirmed the authority already. Holger Münch, head of the Federal criminal police office, could not confirm the report of the “Bild-Zeitung”. The Information does not come in any case, from investigators circles of his authority, said Munch to the special session in Berlin. The investigations continued “in full swing”, says Münch.

The young Hesse with hatred for politicians had been taken last Sunday. Because he is guilty and the police even helped in the investigation, he is for the time being, free. If he is indicted, is still open. Legal, this much is certain – he is considered an adolescent. In addition to the charge of data receiving is determined against him on suspicion of unauthorized disclosure of data. And because of the unauthorized publication.

Pride and caution

Almost all politicians were outraged over the incident and demanded consequences. The mayor of the hometown of the accused, however, is different. Claudia Blum, a member of the SPD, mayor of the 14,000 inhabitants of the town of Homberg, said the editorial network Germany: “For me, the Whole thing is not a scandal. We don’t have to be ashamed of. It is not a question of murder and manslaughter.” And the mayor adds: “There is a certain Pride that it was someone from here. He has held the Republic of the mirror. That should call for all of us to be awake, better with our data.”

Manuel Höferlin of the FDP warns of more government Surveillance

The latter is likely to be consensus. Controversial, however, is the role of state authorities in the protection from hackers and data thieves. Interior Minister Seehofer had called for the special session of the interior Committee, according to participants, more powers for authorities.

You should be able to providers such as Twitter to Delete content, force. “We are not sure that it’s now just a matter of creating new powers of intervention for the state,” says FDP-digital expert Manuel Höferlin in an interview with DW. Instead, the authorities should go much more “digital Patrol”, Höferlin, to be able to quickly detect when sensitive data are published.

“Very on the Internet on the go”

For derision, not that the interior Minister, Horst Seehofer, had declared on Tuesday that, since the 1980s, “very in the Internet on the go” – a time when there was the Internet. For critics Seehofer embodies the lack of professionalism of German policy in dealing with the network and its dangers.

Interior Minister Seehofer (left) welcomes Arne Schönbohm, President of the Federal office for IT security, BSI. Right next to Holger Münch, President of the Federal criminal police office

This polemic does not want to connect Höferlin, but “I don’t have the impression that the interior Minister Seehofer has followed the issue of with the necessary energy”, the FDP’s Deputy.” The topic of cyber security will not be taken in comparison to other safety issues seriously enough. “This must change urgently. Maybe a discernment process occurs now in the case of Mr Seehofer.”