Climate change conference: small steps in Katowice


Whether the climate meeting in Poland brings real progress in the fight against the greenhouse gases, is written in the stars. The approximately 190 States have caught in small-Small.

Karsten Sach, for many years the chief negotiator of the German to UN climate conferences. The high-ranking official of the Ministry of the environment to say now, what grade would he give the previous history of the climate meeting in Katowice, on a scale of One to Ten. A few seconds of reflection, then: “Seven-to-Eight says, actually, not so bad.” And, although so entirely under the roof the day before the end of the conference, actually nothing is. Property, is also a Diplomat summarizes: “There is a good Chance that we will achieve a good result, but it is anything but safe.”

Behavior hope: chief negotiator Karsten Sach

As always controversial: The money

Three important results need to bring to this conference, in order from the very good Note, perhaps, but still a really good one is: The developing countries want the rich countries to comply with commitments to your Financial. $ 100 billion will come in 2020 from private and public sources, to help the poor countries of the South in the fight against greenhouse gases. How much of the money already there, there are different estimates, but 100 billion, it is not the case. Germany has said in Katowice again around 900 million euros, for a variety of funds. After around 750 million Euro in the previous year at the conference in Bonn. Other wealthy Nations are hesitant with other Commitments.

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A complicated instructions

Most Fiercely wrestled to the city but to the mysterious set of rules is in the Polish coal. In the extensive paper, which is a type directions for use, should be set out, such as the 190 States its climate targets from 2020, to meet, to document, and how you can compare them. In short: The Paris climate Treaty in 2015, which has these goals to the content that needs to be taken. This technical issue is the cost of the conference, however, a lot of time. Environmentalists criticize especially the Polish President of the conference, the energy Secretary of state Michal Kurtyka. He put much too much emphasis on the rules. The German Delegation speaks: debt-to-not Poland, but, above all, a group of Saudi Arabia. “The biggest Laggards are the Arab States, and nothing has changed,” says Karsten Sach.

A small to go it alone, the German Minister

The talks not drag, therefore, so then, a lot of time, and therefore, a number of States, the more ambitious climate called for targets met in the late Wednesday. Germany’s environment Minister, Svenja Schulze of the SPD. Your appearance in the group of committed countries, however, was apparently alone, and not with the Federal government matched, was to be heard. Because Germany itself is in Katowice, in the criticism, because it is due to the high proportion of coal to control its own targets for 2020. And now, Schulze stood there and campaigned for a more ambitious climate plans. “It is my highest aspiration to make this conference a success,” the Minister said.

Warning-yellow West Germany

Very brave of environmental groups like the WWF: climate expert Michael Schaefer requested that the Federal government must now “deliver”.

New climate targets also Schulze is not called. On the contrary, In a short speech before the plenary session of the climate conference, the ministries defended the excruciatingly long duration of the talks about a possible end to the coal production in Germany: “anyone Who thinks the protection of the climate action just by pressing, without regard for losses, will lose the acceptance in the population faster than you can spell climate change.” If the people anzögen then, such as France, yellow jackets and there were huge protests, not to be served to the climate protection.