Alexander Gerst on the ISS: Houston, we have a Problem!


It should be the last press briefing with Alexander Gerst from the ISS. We saw the astronauts, listened to him. Then the image was gone. Back to the disappointed Reporter and unasked questions remained.

Somewhere between the International space station (ISS), Houston in the United States, Oberpfaffenhofen near Munich and the German center for air and space travel (DLR) in Cologne, the audio signal is lost. After a few minutes, a patient and friendly disappears into the camera smiling Alexander Gerst of the image area.

“I’m sorry”, apologizes, Marco Trovatello, spokesman for the European space Agency (ESA). “This is something that can unfortunately happen.” So far it had happened but never – at least not when you try to let Gerst from the ISS with journalists on the earth. The last press conference in June, live from the ISS was a success

“There is a Problem”

On time at 13:40 of the first German commander appears to be, in a slight angle, floating on the screen. Suddenly there is a silence in the Foyer of the DLR. Journalists of the ARD, the ZDF and the BBC have come to Gerst exactly a question. We of the DW would have been in seventh place on it. The video switch should only take 20 minutes. The clock is ticking. All are eagerly waiting for the first sound.

The ISS is orbiting at 28,000 kilometers per hour around the earth. This can disturb the connection already

Minutes little else is heard as the eager Click of the cameras. Minutes Astro Alex hin floats “” in front of our eyes gently to and fro. Minutes happens: Nothing. Then from somewhere: “There are in Houston to be a Problem.” When, finally, the video signal is lost, remains Trovatello nothing else left to declare as the event to be over. Disappointed babble of voices rises, the first to assail the press Secretary with questions.

“It seems to be always, as it would be quite easy to have a connection to the ISS and talk with Alex,” said Trovatello. But it was during the six-month stay of Gerst on the space station actually only about ten to twelve Times. The reason is the enormous technical effort that it requires, a stable connection between the with 28,000 kilometers per hour through space frenzied ISS and the earth.

Volker Schmid is not Worried because of the hole in the Soyuz capsule

Forewarned is forearmed

We take the opportunity to speak with Volker Schmid. Schmid, the head of the DLR mission teams in the Horizon Mission of Alexander Gerst. A good opportunity for him, according to the tiny hole in the Soyuz capsule to the questions, the only yesterday by Russian cosmonauts during a foreign operation inspected. “The hole is likely to be a production error, the overlooked, the quality of acceptance, or for non-dramatic was found,” explains Schmid.

Also when first red alert was declared and the entire Mission prior to a premature termination, is the danger now. The small hole was quickly sealed and isolated. The return of Alexander Gerst just before Christmas, nothing stands in the way.

On 22.12. not Gerst will then be the next press conference, however, in the absence of gravity. With stable picture and sound – probably.

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    Author: Valentin Betz