Jews in Europe have to fear it again


A study by the EU Agency for fundamental rights to be shocked and surprised but little: The majority of the Jewish population in the EU will feel massively threatened. Violent Attacks remain rare, but the discomfort grows to be.

70 % of Jews feel in their EU home countries, vulnerable to anti-Semitic attacks.

In the network lists on scuba diving with the name of living in Europe Jews, the “way”. Was released this Hetzbotschaft on the Twitter channel of a digital hate preacher. Just one of the many thousands of examples of anti-Semitism, the breaks in the social media day-to-day railway. Levi Salomon, spokesman for the Jewish forum for democracy in Berlin, says in a DW interview: “Jews are the perfect enemy image for the last 2000 years: Now the Whole thing just comes in a new guise and digital.”

Europe’s Jews are alert and make plans to Emigrate

This is not without consequences: A large proportion of the Jewish population in the European Union, according to a study by the EU Agency for fundamental rights, the feeling that anti-Semitism increases greatly. 90 per cent of the respondents from twelve EU member States indicated that they have talk in the past five years, a significant increase of anti-Semitic hatred and harassment of Jews in Public is perceived. 90 percent of respondents see social media as the main space of action for these anti Semitic Attacks. 38 percent said concrete emigration plans to reflect or to have already first steps in this direction. The Jews that live in Germany answered these questions similar to the average for all respondents. Levi Salomon of the Jewish Forum of a surprise to the EU results. “Europe has just closed for years, the eyes and looked away, as Jewish life step by step, endangered.”

The poll speaks a clear language: Every third Attacks personal experiences of hostility, harassment, or even, especially, if to recognize a Symbol such as the yarmulke as Jewish. The results come from an Online survey, at the time of 16.400 Jews between may and June this year have participated. The answers represent the Situation in the twelve member States in which it is estimated that over 96 percent of the Jewish population living in the EU. The survey was addressed to people who consider themselves on the basis of their Religion, culture or for reasons other than Jewish.

Over 4000 responses come from the two countries with the largest Jewish Community in Europe, the UK and France. Each of about 1000 Respondents are from Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden. In the Federal Republic of about 240,000 Jews live currently, out of a total population of around 82 million. The EU Commissioner for justice and equality, Vera Yourova, took place at the presentation of the results on Monday in Brussels, the significant words: “We must not only weep at the graves of dead Jews, but we must do everything in our Power to guarantee the security of the Jewish community in Europe today.”

EU States to protect Jewish life inadequate

How bad it is, however, the sense of security of the Jews in Europe, shows a more shocking number. 40 percent of the respondents has a specific concern, to be in the coming months, victim of a violent crime. The study highlights that this risk has become in the past twelve months, with only two percent of the respondents to the bitter reality. Levi Salomon, spokesman for the Jewish forum for democracy, warns, however: “These statistics do not represent the reality, because many Attacks are not reported, not counted and, therefore, later not be perceived.”

The survey shows that Almost 80 percent of the respondents report serious incidents to the police because of the perception that a message will have no effect. 70 percent of the respondents indicated that they feel the governments of their countries would seriously take action against the Problem of anti-Semitism. The perpetrator applies it to search only on the right edge. The respondents are among the most common groups of perpetrators, especially people with extreme Muslim settings (30 per cent), followed by offenders from the more left-wing scene, or offenders from the work and school environment. Interestingly, call, only 13 per cent of the surveyed people from the extreme right-wing scene as a potential main culprit.

A Hanukkah menorah in the heart of Berlin on the occasion of the Jewish festival of lights

“If the fight against anti-Semitism, fails, Europe fails”

Representatives of the world Jewish Congress (WJC), a representation of the interests of the Jewish communities in 100 countries, called for the heads of state and government of the EU, to protect Jewish life in Europe. WJC President Ronald S. Lauder wrote in his opinion: “Like we should be surprised by the results, if it’s located in Chemnitz in Germany, the obvious anti-Semites will be allowed to show the Nazi salute and the police would stand aside and let them.” He was convinced that “safety measures” could not alone stop the growing anti-Semitism. This could only succeed in the school. Michael O’flaherty, Director of the EU Agency for fundamental rights, the EU and the governments of the member States of the obligation. At the presentation of the report, he chose drastic words: “if the fight against anti-Semitism, fails, Europe fails.”