Car servant collection movement “Stand up” remains controversial


The idea: with United forces, the political coordinates move to the left. The goal: a just and peaceful country. By the way: extra-parliamentary. The Problem: the left-hand bearing is already divided.

Sahra wagenknecht is to get up the face of the in September in Berlin presented a collection of movement “”

Emmanuel Macron has shown how to lift a decades-established party System in the shortest possible time from the fishing: in 2016, he left his post as Minister under the socialists, François Hollande, founded the movement “En marche”, and in 2017 he was elected President of France. The driving force of its supporters and voters, the dissatisfaction with the societal conditions in General and the actions of the political class in Particular. High unemployment, dead-end youth, xenophobia, France has the same problems as many other countries within and outside Europe.

In uncertain times, unconventional, and sometimes successful protests are on the rise, is not uncommon. Macrons are now part of the party mutated movement – which is now the target of a grass-root movement, the so-called yellow the West, is only one example among many. In Italy there is the 2009 by the comedian Beppe Grillo founded the Five star movement (“Movimento 5 Stelle”). Since June, they ruled together with the right-wing populist Lega. Also in 1980, in Germany, the resulting Green roots in a citizens ‘ movement against nuclear power and for better environmental protection.

The President of France, Emmanuel Macron as the choice fighter of the justified collection of the move “En Marche”

From such Successes, the German collection is to get Up move “to” still very far away. However, you started in September. Since then have registered 165.000 supporters online. They all want a “social fresh start”, as it is called in the preamble. A leader outside of the Internet is Sahra wagenknecht – Chairman of the Left in the German Bundestag and is a regular guest in TV talk shows.

Sahra wagenknecht, dancing on two weddings

A contradiction or even a conflict of interest between their party political role, and their extra-parliamentary Engagement. A red-red-green Alliance of social Democrats, Left and Green was no longer in the population “ever popular,” says Wagenknecht in the DW-Interview. And you can understand that. Most people would connect neither with higher wages, better pensions, “or, more generally, with a policy for social compensation”.

As Wagenknecht also see a lot of “get Up”-supporters, the reasons local groups. Andrea Schaaf has done in Cologne. Around 150 Curious and of the classic party-policy Disappointed came to the first Meeting. “A lot of people were, like me, resigned totally,” she told Deutsche Welle in an event that invited the local Left in November. This Time, the interest is lower: About 50 visitors discuss the question of “Up – gap-fungal or an opportunity for a strong Left?” Andrea Schaaf, the answer is clear: “If you cooperate, in various fields, we can mobilize together.”

Collection movement “get Up” – a blessing or a curse? In the Cologne Chapter of the Left-hand opinions

In the case of Sahra, the sounds Wagenknecht: “We also need more pressure from the population when the government ruled over the heads of ordinary people.” There were social majorities for a new policy. “But there is no majority party coalition, which stands for such a policy”, – stated in the founding Manifesto of the “Stand up”. Why this should change with the help of the collection of movement, is still unclear.

Left-chief Riexinger sees a “role-conflict”

In the establishment of the call, the speech is, “to bring the claims, the people move the most, on the street and in politics”. For this, there is a need for a debate on the Internet and occasional Meetings in local chapters. After all, to be held in the summer of 2019, a Congress. A party should be established, emphasises Wagenknecht. “The charm of ‘Stand up’ consists precisely in this openness and flexibility which brings a movement with it.”

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Sahra car Up servant of the inspirations for her project””

A party would have the classic structures and would not have to prove, “that they split, but,” says Wagenknecht. Their opponents accuse her but just that: to cook your own soup. The largest of skeptics in its own ranks. Left party leader Bernd Riexinger in the interview-in his skepticism confirmed. “I’ve always said, there will be a roll conflict.” It should not lead to misunderstandings.

“Project of an already divided left party”

As in October, at the Berlin Demonstration for more social justice and a humane migration policy: Called hundreds of social organizations, including churches and trade unions. A quarter of a Million people went back on the road. Wagenknecht, however, had distanced itself from the event, because it is in contrast to the official line of their party against open borders for all. Those who think it is particularly bad with wagenknecht, the 49-Year-old anyway, to speculate on support from the right.

Such sounds are also heard at the event in Cologne. Most dramatically, a participant, who introduces himself as Salvator puts it: “not getting Up” column on the Left, it was the project of a “divided left party”. A finding that is not disputed by anyone serious. The collection of movement bring peace under these circumstances in Germany, the left-hand bearing, and a can, seems almost absurd. Sahra wagenknecht is in spite of everything combative. If “Stand up” in September 2019, a year old will be, she hopes, “that we have a revival of leftist politics and a wide acceptance linker content”.