Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer follows Angela Merkel


Again a woman. Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer is in the fight for the top of the Christian Democratic Union’s Friedrich Merz. A brief decision of the CDU-party tags. A Direction Decision.

And then she falls to her husband in the arms. Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer is the new Chairman of the CDU. After a long election campaign, a dramatic election day, has given this party so much in Common as tensile test. Once again, a woman stands at the head of the Christian Democrats. Thus, the CDU has, for the first time since more than 40 years, is a Chairman, not a member of the Bundestag.

The CDU Federal Congress chose the 55-Year-old citizen of Saarland in the second ballot for the successor to the 63-year-old Angela Merkel. Kramp-Karrenbauer prevailed in the decisive vote with 517 482 votes against Friedrich Merz. Previously, she had held the General view is that the strongest speech of the three candidates, while Merz was tense especially at the beginning. In a flaming appeal AKK asked, as she calls herself, occasionally, the Congress, the CDU would remain the “strong people’s party”. “The natural think-tank the policy, it must be the people’s party.” And they campaigned for a “strong Europe, a Europe open to the inside and from the outside”, with the European Council and the European army. Kramp-Karrenbauer, the election campaign, well-versed, moved quickly through the topics. Digitization, a strong state, protection of workers. And: “A strong CDU, not one that is arbitrary.”

Here applicant, now the CDU leader: Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer at the speech of your choice

The ground of liability in the Saarland

It embodies close to the base and ground of liability. In Saarland, the home she’s known. As a socialist, her husband, Helmut, of the 34 years, married, with three already grown up children, she is occasionally on the motorcycle on the road. Once you see it in football or in ice hockey in Mannheim. Her husband, a mining engineer, gave up his job to take care of the children and his wife to keep back. At the party conference in Hamburg, Helmut Karrenbauer was sitting in the guest area.

The previous Secretary-General had thrown after the withdrawal announcement, Merkel at the end of October as the first more well-known CDU politician your hat in the Ring and your candidacy explained. Your office as the General Secretary of the party had since then to rest. In the informal election campaign against the conservative-occurring competitors, Friedrich Merz and Jens Spahn stressed values, especially the social aspects and the reason for the CDU stand with the “C” (for Christian).

Advocate for the “people’s party”

And again pounded AKK to the fact that the Christian Democrats would have to be enshrined as the last remaining “people’s party” in the middle of the society. A “shift to the right” of the party, she always declined.

The competitors: Friedrich Merz (left) and Jens Spahn (right)

Kramp-Karrenbauer is regarded as a close Confidante of the Chancellor. But above all, she is experienced in all levels of political work. The studied political scientist and lawyer, was in 1998 for half a year deputies of the Bundestag, but, encouraged by the then Prime Minister and current constitutional court judge, Peter Müller, the Saarland state policy. Within twelve years, she served as Minister of four different departments across the country policy and connects to today’s Talk again and again with experiences of this time: domestic policy, family and women, education and culture, labour and social Affairs, justice. As the successor to Miller, it was in 2011, Minister President of the Saarland. She was the second Union to a woman who stood at the head of a Federal country.

Choice winner in the year of destiny

Seemed to the beginning of the year 2017, nine months before the Bundestag election, the CDU are nationwide with his back to the wall. On the SPD page, the campaign for Merkel’s Challenger Martin Schulz, the increased run-of-the CDU, by contrast, rolled. The first state election in March, was a fate choice. Of 40, 7 percent Kramp won-Karrenbauer sensational, your CDU to put five percentage points. This was a position of Federal political importance. And as during the past few weeks Friedrich Merz, self-expressed, and to trust themselves, to lead to the currently, under 30 percent dümpelnde CDU in the Bundestag elections to 40 percent, said Kramp-Karrenbauer dry, you know how such a success could be achieved and how wonderful the feeling.

In the Saarland state election, 2012

“I can, I want to”

In February 2018, Kramp-karrenbauer then moved to Berlin to the office of the CDU General Secretary. “I can, I will and I will. And that’s why I place myself in the service of the party,” she said to the party Congress in the capital, the celebrated rough and into the new office. From the small Saarland on the big stage, she had met as a self-conscious member of the party Bureau since 2010. The “General” was as a mediator between the two often rival party wings, and interests in the CDU a name.

Their most important project was a new policy programme. It should define the conservative brand in the core of the CDU after the party has lost under Chancellor Angela Merkel, especially in conservative and liberal groups of voters trust. For this project, she moved with a “listening Tour” through Germany and met in 50 cities with mobile exchange. To speak during the election campaign weeks for the Merkel-succession, as the three competitors in eight of the regional conferences presented nationwide to the base, she came again and again on these direct contacts. The listening Tour is a project made for AKK – looks in retrospect like a long start to the party leadership.

Attacks on the Green

Kramp-Karrenbauer, a Catholic, the most Catholic of all German Federal States, is conservative in a progressive sense. If you criticized in the last few weeks, a different party, then the Green, pull on the track for success. Where the CDU have left mistakenly on the topic of “integrity of creation”, it must be a genuine C-topic.

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Trust at the base: a candidate Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer

Kramp-Karrenbauer thanked the competitors for a “fair competition, we have delivered!. Now it follows Merkel, of your Familiar. Both will meet each other officially, in the case of coalition talks in the Chancellery or the Board of Directors of the CDU meetings. Last the ACC had announced that policy would need to be marked in the CDU again from the bottom to the top. There could it come in Europe or education policy, or the issue of housing for the first conflict of the two. It may be interesting.