World education report: Learning together Migration the horrors


The UNESCO presented to the world education report, for the first time, in Berlin. The Motto: “Bend over instead of building walls”. The UN educational organization outlines the ways in which education Refugees and migrants are better integrated.

It is a first and an honor for Germany: Berlin is on this Tuesday, for the first time to the stage for the presentation of the annual world education report, to the issues of Migration and education. Will present the report, UNESCO Director-General, Audrey Azoulay and Federal foreign Minister Heiko Maas.

Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of the UN educational organization UNESCO

Germany has offered since 2015 over a Million Refugees protection and is therefore regarded in UN circles as one of the last reliable Support of a humanitarian asylum and migration policy. The circle of Supporters of the UN educational organization is small and the global climate around migration has become rougher.

Every eighth person is a single migrant

The report investigates how Migration and flight have an impact on education systems around the world. In addition, the 362-page document, what progress has there been on the way to the UN education agenda for 2030 analyzed. And some positive developments with a view to the global action programme “education for all”, in fact. Thus, the access of women to secondary education, to secondary schools after primary school, in the years 2000 to 2015 is significantly improved. Even if 63 percent of the illiterate people are still women, today is also The majority of those who begin a tertiary education such as study or vocational training, are now female. A tremendous progress with a view to global gender justice.

The focus of the report is aware of the opportunities and Successes that arise in the Interaction of education and Migration. Because too often, according to the authors, to complain would have hijacked the “opportunists”, the topic of Migration and escape, in order to build “walls instead of bridges”. This action is needed, no matter how you kidney to the subject position. For the receiving countries economic opportunities, the migrants, the report argues. The reason is that people with higher education would choose significantly more likely than others to move to another Region, another country or another continent. A Trend that is globally recognizable.

On average, every eight people is to leave and settle elsewhere in the world, a single migrant, which is someone who in the own country in a different Region. A migration, the impact it has on those who leave, but also for those who remain, particularly in countries with low and middle income. Especially the flight from the land, deprived of many of the internally displaced persons but their educational opportunities. At least 800 million people lived in total in Slums, where there is no access to electricity, water and education.

Access to education – in the slums much more difficult than in the nearby luxury neighborhood of Nairobi

What that means, illustrated by the example of Bangladesh. There, the rate of young adults was 2016 in the secondary school age, attended no school, and in Slums is twice as high as in other urban areas. Therefore, the report governments calls on the world to a forward-thinking city planning. Public schools should be in reach of these informal settlements and Slums, otherwise the universally guaranteed right to access to Education is hardly worth the paper on which it is written.

Education, escape stories address

International Migration, when people leave in search of better working and living conditions of your country, influenced the educational systems increasingly. In 2017, there was, according to the report 258 million international migrants. In most of the member countries of the OECD for at least a fifth of the 15-year-old students were in 2015, were immigrants or had an immigrant background. Which is a challenge for the education systems.

With an extensive list of examples of Best Practice and recommendations of the report, which can be run in the practice of the respective education system right, but also wrong. So, the Refugees should have enforceable educational rights, which includes the dismantling of discriminatory barriers. An example is that the original birth certificate shall not be a condition for inclusion in the national education system. “Existing laws should contain no loopholes or grey areas that allow for the Interpretation of individual officers at the local or school level,” the authors write.

Every child has the right to go to school: migrants, Refugees, Indigenous

Hard to court the authors of the Study go with the common practice in many countries, migrants and refugees to be treated as a short-term present for groups to be deported in separate classes. Both the long-term Integration, as well as the short term educational success of pupils with a migrant background were at a higher level, if you would, if possible, separated a little from their local classmates. This view is confirmed by scientific studies clearly.

Thus, the coexistence of heterogeneous businesses, rates the authors of the study to Review the curriculum itself. Instead of escape and Migration only as a Problem, should be conveyed to the students the other side of the story of Flight(s), for example, the “contribution of Migration to the prosperity and well-being of the host society”.

Expenditure on education, the development assistance will increase tenfold

Since October of 2017, there is in Niger’s capital, the Angela-Merkel-school

For this to work, it needs teachers who can sensitively and with the appropriate Know-how formed the topics. They have an important gate-keeping function, according to the report. “Teachers are not consultants, but they can be trained to recognize Stress and trauma, and to refer students with corresponding need for specialists.”

By the arrival of Refugees, the existing teachers have worsened, lack of but in many countries. So the 42,000 teachers in Turkey 80.000 teachers, and in Uganda, 7000 school forces were absent in Germany at the moment.

In addition, the authors of the world education report rates to back the Potential and skills of Refugees and migrants into focus. “In order to take advantage of this Potential need for simpler, cheaper, more transparent and more flexible mechanisms for the recognition of academic qualifications and vocational skills,” it says. In the UN-migration Pact, the “Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration,” is paid much attention to this, to 2019 a global Agreement.

Especially the global development co-operation is asked in order to enable migrants and Refugees educational opportunities. The authors derive this from the realization that although two-thirds of international migrants struts in high-income countries, nine out of ten Refugees are landing in countries with low and middle income. “To meet demand, would be increased tenfold, the share of humanitarian aid for education”. A look at the Situation in sub-Saharan Africa shows the urgency of investing in the education sector are needed.