Electric car: With computational tricks for the Environment?


The question of the best life cycle assessment of different types of drives of passenger cars, of course, is in favor of the electric cars or not? Experts warn against blanket judgments.

If this is not a message of success: a Whopping 50 percent increase in the number of electric cars on Germany’s roads by the end of the year. Almost 54.000 pure electric cars, there was, according to force travel Federal office in the beginning of January 2018. In the first nine months of this year, more 24.574 new registrations were recorded.

But wait – on closer Inspection, it becomes very clear that electric cars play in the country yet only a role when creating homeopathic standards. With just 0.18 percent of Hamburg has in the comparison of the Federal States the highest proportion of pure electric vehicles. Bavaria and Berlin will share with 0.17% in second place, closely followed by Baden-Württemberg with 0.16 percent. Tail light in the Ranking is Sachsen-Anhalt, with 0.06 percent.

Electrification is progressing very slowly

In the drive technologies in the road transport, the electrification will only slow – “and that is also ecologically useful,” stresses the suppliers segment Automotive in a recently published analysis. The Stuttgart-based company is the result in 2018 from the Bosch Starter Motors & Generators, employs over 8000 employees and works with almost all major car manufacturers. Your arguments are quite understandable.

SEG relies on the calculations of renowned climate – and transport expert. The production of electric cars caused due to the large batteries, significantly more CO2 than a vehicle with an internal combustion engine. That is why an electric car saves, according to the SEG only in countries with a low share of fossil fuels over the entire life cycle of more than 50 percent of the CO2 emissions. As examples, France, which relies on nuclear energy (radioactive waste is not discussed), and Norway, the natural resources, especially water power.

Key markets with high CO2 Emissions in electricity production

In many key markets such as the USA, India, China, but also in Germany, will encounter in the current production of so much CO2 out that pure electric vehicles and Plug-In Hybrid also in the long term, no advantage for the climate, or in comparison to vehicles with internal combustion engines in the LCA, even had a negative impact.

Based on a study of the major German automobile club ADAC SEG on this account: Over a mileage of 50,000 kilometers, an electrical small could not catch up the car in the current German electricity mix, its CO2″backpack” out of production compared to a similar gasoline or Diesel over its entire life time – only go if he is going to be loaded to 100 percent with renewable electricity. A different look at a mileage of about 150,000 kilometers. Here is the E-car itself with the current electricity mix is better on the road, with green energy there is only a fraction of the emissions over the entire life of the Vehicle.

A new bringer of salvation? Electric motor for mild Hybrid drive with a 48 Volt at a presentation in 2015

Middle Course: 48-Volt Diesel Mild-Hybrid

A middle ground, and in the case of the current electricity mix, even with less CO2-emissions subject to the SEG-analysis indicates that the 48-Volt Diesel Mild-Hybrid, in which a Starter-Generator, both the drive assistance as well as the production of energy can be realized a relatively “young” technology because of their fuel efficiency and the more stringent legal environmental requirements of the car manufacturers around the world are becoming more and more popular.

The 48-Volt Diesel Mild-Hybrid in production, to a minimum of higher carbon dioxide emissions, but it can provide in continuous operation for fuel – and CO2-savings of up to 15 percent. And thus, in countries where the electricity is not green enough is produced, even to the most climate-friendly variant in the comparison statement.

The highlight in the analysis of, you guessed it already: The automotive supplier segment manufactures exactly such systems. A rogue who thinks Evil of it.

“The trend’s true”

Prompt downstream of the creators of the magazine, “Edison”, a publication from the publishing group “Handelsblatt”, which focuses on the areas of E-mobility, sustainability, and the connected life expects. Their conclusion: the trend is for the analysis of SEG go in spite of some inaccuracies in the right direction. In the case of Burners, there is certainly still great potential, as well as the developments in battery technology and the electricity mix.

It was clear, however, that With increasing mileage the advantage of the electric cars to take. Optimally whether to operate his electric car with clean solar power. On the other hand, it is “not at all” useful to replace the same electric car after a lease term of three years, with 15,000 kilometres of driving performance through a new, “Edison”. “A realization, for it needs no comparison with bill – just a bit of sustainability-oriented human mind.”