Australia’s “Working Holiday Visa” even more attractive


Australia allows travellers to Finance their holiday with work, in the future, a longer stay in the country and hopes, the shortage of labour in agriculture curb.

The program is also in demand for young German. The last came with this special visa, with nearly 24,000 German citizens to Australia. Overall, the authorities issued more than 210,000 of such Visa. The majority of travellers come from the UK, Germany and France. A total of 45 countries are eligible to participate in the program.

In the future, in order for a stay of up to three years should be possible. So far, it’s been two years. In addition, should also in regions where the worked, where it was previously not possible.

Furthermore, tourists from some countries get up to the age of 35 years of the visa. So far, the age limit at 30 years. However, this rule does not apply to the current plans, initially for holiday makers from Germany. For the owners of these visas, the statutory minimum wage of 18,93 Australian dollars (the equivalent of about 12 Euro).

Harvest workers are in demand in Australia

The conservative government had limited the scope of work visas in the Wake of a more restrictive immigration policy last.

A last week published a study by the University of New South Wales came, however, to the conclusion that a majority of foreign students and backpackers, receives to the traveller in Australia, only a fraction of the minimum wage. There is in the country a “great, silent under the layer of under-paid guest workers”.

is/ks (dpa, afp)