Keyword: reparation payments to Greece


Greece owes Germany billions. Or Vice-versa? More than 70 years after the end of the war, Athens and Berlin are arguing over the costs from the time of the German occupation in the Second world war.

After the attack on Greece, the swastika flag blows in may 1941, on the Acropolis in Athens. Until 1944, the Wehrmacht keeps the country occupied. In this time, murdering and plundering Nazi Germany to the whole of the Balkan Peninsula. The economic damage of war and occupation, until today for argument.

An expert Commission of the Greek Parliament, estimated the extent of the war damage in 2015, to at least 289 billion euros. The German government has rejected such claims always – the Greek claims were settled by former compensation. The theme loaded for decades, the relations, because in Athens again and again demanded that Germany had to pay.

Forced bond of the occupation regime

For one, it is a direct war damage, for example by looting, murder and destruction. To victims of Nazi crimes in Greece, the Federal Republic of Germany paid 115 million DM, according to a Treaty of 1960, this should cover all demands on individual compensation.

German soldiers looting a store during the occupation in Greece

The debate is also a state bond. The German Reich forced the Greek national Bank in 1942 to an interest-free loan in the amount of 476 million Reichsmarks. With the money the Nazis funded cost officially their “occupation” in Greece. This money has not been paid. A Greek Commission of experts is therefore of the opinion that Germany owe Greece is around eleven billion euros.

Peace without a contract

The German government considers the question of reparations, however, finally answered. A first conference was held in the autumn of 1945 in Paris. The Greeks were awarded a percentage share of the German reparations for the Second world war. Greece received benefits in kind in the present-day total value of up to two billion euros.

For Greece’s Prime Minister Tsipras, it is the “historical duty” compensation claim

In the London debt agreement of 1953, the West moved the regulation further demands for reparations powers finally to the conclusion of a peace Treaty. In addition, you discount the whole of Germany a Debt. Came to an official peace Treaty between Germany and the victorious powers, however, it never. Instead, the so-called “Two-plus-Four-agreement entered in 1990,” to the German unit in strength, has also been recognised by Greece, and no further reparations payments.

New debt, new explosiveness

The issue of reparations had won in Greece with the outbreak of the debt crisis in 2010. Athens was forced to ask the EU for help to a state of bankruptcy to fend off. Overall, loans in the amount of approximately 274 billion euros have been granted, including at least 55 billion Euro from Germany. Some politicians think it is conceivable that part of this debt could be offset against demands for reparations. New negotiations on reparations most of the experts hold more than 70 years after the end of the war is out of the question.