Drug policy: the Control instead of forbidding


Despite the Prohibited noise is flourishing toxic trade, and consumption as never before. The global Commission on drug policy therefore calls for: States must not prohibit, regulate,. It is located in Germany.

In many Clubs all of the bans is drawn to Despite and swallowed, what the stuff holds

According to the UN consumed worldwide in 2015, approximately 275 million people at least once an illegal substance. 450,000 people have died as a direct or indirect consequences of their drug use. Worldwide, there are in order, both in numbers and in percentage terms, more and more drug users, although the policy it has announced in many countries the drugs a long time ago the fight.

In the US, for example, then-President Richard Nixon, coined in the 1970s, the term “war on Drugs”, a hard criminal belonged to legal action against consumers and Dealer – with the result that the US has one of the highest Rates of Prisoners in relation to the total population. In Russia, the authorities are also cracking down on drug-related crime, yet there are always more people suffering from addiction. And Afghanistan is in spite of the many measures continue to be the global centre of Opium cultivation.

Repressive drug policy is not working

A realization of the drug policy of the last decades is that even the harshest laws were unable to reduce consumption. Some countries have heard the shot and try gently another way of dealing with drugs. The global Commission on drug policy calls for in your new report for a different course: States should prohibit drugs regulate instead of just to and largely in criminal hands.

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Uruguay legalized Cannabis

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Uruguay legalized Cannabis

In the report of the panel of high-ranking politicians, businessmen and human rights activists, it says: “The regulation and handling of hazardous products and behaviors are everywhere in the world, the task of the authorities – except in the case of drugs.” This is true in Germany, While the limitations otherwise by the instructions for use, expiry dates, and speed – regulations – are surrounded by, leaves the state, the citizens in terms of drugs, mostly of himself, or of organised crime.

Arbitrary distinction between legal and illegal?

The two exceptions, for the addiction researcher Heino Stöver from the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences absolutely contradictory, are alcohol and cigarettes: “These two products may be heavily advertised, as in no other country in the EU, and are available at every street corner. On the other hand, as an illegal classified drug such as Cannabis or amphetamines are handled very restrictive.”

Alcohol: a drug, just legal

This distinction is – as many experts now agree – from a medical point of view, untenable. Legally leads to the criminalization of the trafficking and consumption of certain substances also poses problems. “16 percent of the Detainees sitting in Germany due to violations of the narcotics law. Many others are officially because of theft in prison, behind a life of crime but is actually,” says Stöver. These are alarming Numbers, the way the state too much money cost, and biographies of many people destroyed.

Similar to the global Commission on drug policy, the Professor holds for the social scientific addiction research, the policy of prohibition is outdated: “it’ll never work, you have already seen in the alcohol prohibition in the United States. In Germany and in many other countries, similar to the driven model, we are fueling, on the contrary, even the organized crime. It is the worst possible way with a drug deal.”

How might the Alternatives look like in practice?

The Commission for drugs policy, is proposing to regulate currently prohibited substances. What may sound radical, is implemented in some U.S. States or in South America, Uruguay, at least in the case of Cannabis: Both cultivation as well as sales and distribution are controlled by the government and must meet requirements. Cannabis and Heroin for medical purposes in Germany, also of such a controlled production and distribution chains.

Heino Stöver, Director of the Institute of addiction research Frankfurt (ISFF)

“Of course, one could treat all substances the same, but would have to differ, depending on the addiction potential and risks of the application,” says Stöver. About the acquisition in specialty stores at Cannabis conceivable, could be the Heroin of a pharmacy’s duty is useful.

Both the Commission for drug policy, as well as Stöver emphasize that the so far illegal substances should by no means be played down. Unlike in the case of alcohol and cigarette warnings, education campaigns should, therefore, and advertising bans flanking the regulated offer. Stöver requires that all tax are to be used for revenue by intoxicants for educational purposes.

Germany is still far from “humane drug policy”

After lawyers, social scientists and medical experts plead for a different drug policy in Germany, however, this policy still have to wait. The German government drugs Commissioner, Marlene Mortler, comes from the CSU, which is also in the drug policy, rather a conservative attitude. On the side of the drug Commissioner is accordingly read that aligns to the National strategy of 2012, in the Repression as one of the “foundations of a responsible drug and addiction policy” is called.

Addiction expert Stöver holds the “answers of Mrs. Mortler unacceptable”. Sooner or later you will have to face in Germany, too, the reality: “people like to take drugs, you can’t turn back. You can supervise.”