5 things you should know before you go to the Oktoberfest


Special dress codes, special beer, and a special language: the Oktoberfest will apply their own rules. We clarify, why the Oktoberfest takes place in September, and why you should be at the Oktoberfest-beer-be careful.

  • High Five: tips for the Oktoberfest

    Bavarian Timing

    The first Oktoberfest in the year 1810 actually began in October. Today, it is still Oktoberfest, but starts in September. Reason, the Bavarian lousy weather. On some days of October in Munich even snowed. This is not in the interest of owners and operators. So, in order for the visitors not to stay away, was brought forward to the Oktoberfest from 1904.

  • High Five: tips for the Oktoberfest

    Bavarian Basic Concepts

    To avoid language barriers, it is worthwhile to learn a few phrases. “Servus” as a greeting is still familiar. A “Hock di her there!” someone a place is already heavy on the lips. If it’s not working with the understanding is so right: “Host mi?” means “do You Understand?” And goodbye to the Bayer “Pfiat di”, an abbreviation of “Bless you God says”.

  • High Five: tips for the Oktoberfest

    The Beer Tent Rules

    On the beer benches dancing is explicitly desired, only the tables are off-limits. The take Off is allowed on the Oktoberfest – but the naked Person may not be photographed. Another No-Go: beer steins-mouth! Thieves will be displayed. However, the jugs are a popular trophy. Every year, tens of thousands, especially in half-liter glasses like to be smuggled out of the tent.

  • High Five: tips for the Oktoberfest

    Bavarian Dress Code

    You can come in everyday clothes or in costume, the main thing is, the style is from top to bottom and not mixed. Pay attention to the Dirndl dress: the bow on the left means the wearer is single, loop to the right, the wearer is assigned, and the loop in the middle, you can see that the dirndl wearer is still a virgin. The loop in the back to wear widows or the operation.

  • High Five: tips for the Oktoberfest

    Oktoberfest Beer

    It not only has more percent than normal beer, it is also a little milder, less bitter substances and is therefore particularly pleasant to the taste – a dangerous mix! Around 7.5 million litres were drunk in the past year from the visitors, and this year the Pints will be served in a matter of seconds. In spite of the record price of over eleven euros for a Liter of Oktoberfest beer.

    Author: Antje Binder

  • High Five: tips for the Oktoberfest

    Bavarian Timing

    The first Oktoberfest in the year 1810 actually began in October. Today, it is still Oktoberfest, but starts in September. Reason, the Bavarian lousy weather. On some days of October in Munich even snowed. This is not in the interest of owners and operators. So, in order for the visitors not to stay away, was brought forward to the Oktoberfest from 1904.

  • High Five: tips for the Oktoberfest

    Bavarian Basic Concepts

    To avoid language barriers, it is worthwhile to learn a few phrases. “Servus” as a greeting is still familiar. A “Hock di her there!” someone a place is already heavy on the lips. If it’s not working with the understanding is so right: “Host mi?” means “do You Understand?” And goodbye to the Bayer “Pfiat di”, an abbreviation of “Bless you God says”.

  • High Five: tips for the Oktoberfest

    The Beer Tent Rules

    On the beer benches dancing is explicitly desired, only the tables are off-limits. The take Off is allowed on the Oktoberfest – but the naked Person may not be photographed. Another No-Go: beer steins-mouth! Thieves will be displayed. However, the jugs are a popular trophy. Every year, tens of thousands, especially in half-liter glasses like to be smuggled out of the tent.

  • High Five: tips for the Oktoberfest

    Bavarian Dress Code

    You can come in everyday clothes or in costume, the main thing is, the style is from top to bottom and not mixed. Pay attention to the Dirndl dress: the bow on the left means the wearer is single, loop to the right, the wearer is assigned, and the loop in the middle, you can see that the dirndl wearer is still a virgin. The loop in the back to wear widows or the operation.

  • High Five: tips for the Oktoberfest

    Oktoberfest Beer

    It not only has more percent than normal beer, it is also a little milder, less bitter substances and is therefore particularly pleasant to the taste – a dangerous mix! Around 7.5 million litres were drunk in the past year from the visitors, and this year the Pints will be served in a matter of seconds. In spite of the record price of over eleven euros for a Liter of Oktoberfest beer.

    Author: Antje Binder

Recently, the US Consulate published in Munich on the short message service Twitter are some useful tips to the Oktoberfest. In the unanimous Video is also a call to take Selfies next to the safety instructions.

Pass, not forget

Over 500 passports were stolen each year, at the Oktoberfest or lost, according to the U.S. Consulate. That’s why the Video reminds you to prefer to carry a copy of the passport or the identity card.

The alcohol not underestimate

An average of six per cent alcohol contains an Oktoberfest beer, which are at least one percent more than regular brew. A measure is a Liter of beer at the Oktoberfest therefore contains an average of 60 milliliters of alcohol. Even the most experienced Oktoberfest-goers sometimes underestimate the impact of a measure. Those who can not, often ends up on the so-called “Kotzhügel” behind the tents, a really idyllic little Park, where each year the beer corpses pile up.

Enough with the banana

For the banana came on the Saturday beginning the Oktoberfest is the end: “banana” called the people’s mouth, the yellow the rescue of bear on wheels, with which the many Oktoberfest visitors were picked up, got drunk to unconsciousness. Reason for the end of the Oktoberfest-“banana” is a change in the emergency service, the new operator uses the emergency cart to the color blue. Also, there is already a mockery, name: “smurf box”.

What you need to know before you to the Oktoberfest, to travel, to learn in our High-Five Ranking.