Hazards of Sex: How risky is gonorrhea?


The times as a clap, or gonorrhoea, with dark alleys and Backyard brothels are over. It is clear to Infect everyone it can – and very quickly.

The symptoms of gonorrhea as gonorrhea known, are usually very ugly. Discharge from the vagina or the urethra. “This outflow is not clear, but more of a purulent appearance. The man in the so-called ‘Good-Morning-drop occurs’ mainly in the mornings from the urethra. Because during the night, has been collecting mucus and pus, and occurs then in the morning, as a thick drop,” explains Norbert Brockmeyer from the centre for sexual health and medicine ‘WE’ in Bochum. The gonorrhea is a bacterial infection caused by the gonococcus. As a reaction of the body a lot of leukocytes – white blood cells are formed. A yellowish liquid. In addition to this discharge can occur as well as pain during urination. Transmitted gonorrhea during Sex, most of the time the sex organs are affected. Severe itching and pain may be the first signs of a possible infection, but many notice nothing. This applies to about 70 per cent of all Infected.

More about sexually transmitted disease risks in Sex, Syphilis is back

Not just the sex parts

Also the anal area, and even the mouth and throat can be affected by the gonococcal-infection, for example, through unprotected oral sex. An infection can go fast, because the pathogens have a high risk of power. “The gonococci are often transferred before you take the condom at all in the Hand, because it has already infected over other practices,” says Brockmeyer.

Even more dangerous than he looks: causative agent of gonorrhea

For example, you could infect yourself with finger contact, i.e. Petting,. “If you liquid a Divorce have on your hands, then you can be infected with gonorrhea,” explains the expert.

In the worst case, gonorrhea can result in women and in men to infertility. If the gonorrhea is not treated directly, and continues to spread, it can lead to inflammation of the small pelvis, and subsequently to an adhesion of the fallopian tubes. The affected woman can get no children. In the male, the same applies to VAS deferens and testicles.

In Pregnant women who become infected with gonorrhea, there is the risk that the infection will be transmitted to the newborn. It can cause miscarriage and Stillbirths. In babies gonorrhea primarily affects the eyes. In the newborn develops a few days after the birth of the symptoms: The eyelids are swollen, the eyes very sensitive to light. Is treated such an infection with an antibiotic. Also in adult Patients antibiotics, which rubs a physician in the diagnosis of wasting to help.

Dangers in the Sex – infection with chlamydia

At the top of the list

Gonorrhea is one of the most common STDs in the world. In Germany the number of infections increased significantly, and the trend is still rising. “We have to assume that we have per year about 25,000 New infections with gonococci,” says Brockmeyer. “You see, in all appropriate centres. In our center, WE, there are days in which we treat five to six patients on gonorrhea.”

Since the turn of the Millennium, gonorrhea in Germany is no longer subject to the reporting requirement, with the exception of the Federal state of Saxony. It was believed to have the classic sexually transmitted diseases and virtually eliminated. This has proven to be a great fallacy. “All sexually transmitted diseases – not only the gonorrhea – celebrate a non-geahntes Comeback,” says Brockmeyer. The center ‘WE’tried to be as comprehensive as possible to inform. The appeal: No unprotected Sex! Always use a condom! The condom reduces the rate of infection significantly, may not prevent a disease but to completely.

It is still true: condoms protect

There are more and more frequently, resistance

Long the administration of an antibiotic was the drug of choice, but there are also new drugs must be developed. “We already have significant resistance Rates of gonorrhea. The result is that the medication is working,” Brock Meyer. In the extreme case, the result is that you can’t treat simple gonorrhea is reasonable.

The German STI-society relies on the development of effective therapies and prophylaxis. So to get the acronym STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections), as well in the consciousness of the people as the letters HIV (Human immune deffizienz-Virus). The HIV-infections for about five years is relatively constant, thanks to numerous awareness campaigns. Germany had in the world, the rate of the lowest Contagion, says Brock Meyer: “We have focused in the last years specifically on HIV. But now there are more and more frequently, campaigns, working with well-known diseases like gonorrhea and Syphilis.”

The red light district is not necessarily the place to go for gonorrhea infections

What is HIV and Aids, know the most. The situation is different in the classic venereal diseases. Many of them are not clear, which belong to and what is behind the various concepts: for instance, if it’s about chlamydia and Hepatitis B, Genital Herpes, Papillomavirus, or Syphilis and gonorrhea. The risk of HIV infection, is considerably higher when someone has already been infected with one of the classical sexually transmitted diseases.

“The Tripper, I’ve heard only, if it was that rich business people were on holiday in Asia, and then your Partner gets there.” This is just one of many entries in an Internet forum to clap, and just one of the many traditional prejudices. You must have been neither rich, nor in Asia, to gonorrhea infection – is everywhere, even at home.

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