Treasure hunt with child


The Bible is a treasure chest for the Coexistence of people. Many of our contemporaries have lost the key for it. Sometimes it is the children who leave us to the treasure.

The daughter makes it fun

“Want to marry you.” In front of me a young Couple sitting. The two I know of. The bride-to-be brings a six-year-old girl into the marriage. The groom works professional experience as a surgeon. A few weeks ago they asked me to be the pastor at your wedding Ceremony. That is why we sit together now. I would like to know more of them. What moves the two of them to take this step? What are the objectives you plan your life together? Why at all you want to the registry office?

And what has this to do with the Church or our Christian Faith? We came very quickly: “Our daughter attended the religious instruction.” says the mother. “We do not believe it, but you make it fun right honey?” The child nods, eyes shining.

“In the Bible, crazy things are”

This honesty speaks volumes about your confidence. But I wonder also. Did you forget that, prior to a Protestant pastor? What actually don’t you believe? The question I’ll have to get in the back of the head. But first, we need to fill out the usual form: last Name, first Name, born, parents, and so on. At the most burning, the future spouses are interested in, then, for the external things of the ceremony.

As the wedding party in the Church? Where are the children, to scatter flowers? We need a pillow on which the rings are placed? But for me, the most important question is: How can we, the little daughter in the ceremony involve? Finally, you will be a part of this new family. And since the sentence before is: “We do not believe it, but you make it fun, right honey?”

“I have another question.” do I. “You just said that you believe in it’. What did you mean by that? What do you think?“ The corporate attorney is not used to be on their Faith mentioned. The answer comes reluctantly. “Well, what the Church has everything done, in the course of history.” Now it opens a range of institutional sins, which I am contrary to. Of the Forced proselytizing of indigenous peoples, the Inquisition, to the abuse of Minors in ecclesiastical institutions.

“You do not need to find a good.” I agree with her, “The Church is a human Institution, and humans make mistakes. Sometimes very serious. But what does that have to do with your Faith?“ “Nothing, really.” do I get to the answer. “But even in the Bible of crazy stuff. The Old Testament is full of war and violence and the role of the woman is also exposed.“

The blessing of peace

“And what do you mean,” I ask, “why the stories – especially of Jesus – until today continue to be told? This has been going on for 2000 years.“ A Moment of silence follows. “Well, because you show how people will be helped,” is the thoughtful answer, “or how to get back to courage. Or how do you find new meaning for your life.“

Now I’m back to some extent reconciled: “Exactly, the Bible is supposed to be a help to life and for the living together of people. You know that if people live in harmony with each other, then that is something Precious – a blessing. And this is the blessing of peace, we want to ask in the worship of God to your Wedding especially for your future as a family. Therefore, I go with you next Saturday in the Church.“


About The Author:

Gerhard Richter (Born 1957) is since December 2015 a consultant for the Tanzania-partnerships in the Evang.-Luth. Mission Plant In Leipzig.