Polish herring tartare on black bread


The Polish cuisine is quite down-to-earth and hand. Meat plays a big role, but, depending on the Region, also fish, especially herring. Quite a well-known recipe for herring tartare on black bread.

Recipe for two persons:


2 herring fillets

2 slices black bread or Pumpernickel

2 tablespoons pickles (diced)

2 Tablespoons Mayonnaise

2 tablespoons onions (diced)

1 small bunch of chives

1 small bunch of Dill


The ingredients for the Marinade:

100 ml vinegar, 1 tablespoon of onions, cloves, red pepper, salt and sugar


The herring fillets for 12 hours in the Marinade. The fish are then evenly roll the dice, and with the pickles and the onions in a bowl. Dill and chives cut into small pieces and the mixture. The Mayonnaise, add and stir until the ingredients are evenly combined. Then, with a squeeze of lemon to taste. With a Parfait-mould the bread into round slices. With a spoon the herring tartare fill in the forms, the shapes, carefully remove the dish and garnish with fresh chives.

Good Appetite!