This is what happens when you Google the word “Idiot”…


Who is currently seeking requests through Google images on the theme of “Idiot”, you will get a surprising result. On Tablets, Smartphones and screens countless times, US President, Donald Trump shows up.

By so-called “Google bombings”, the Algorithms changed, and searches manipulated

As the Blog “Search Engine Land” reported, Google has become currently the victims of a so-called “Google bombings”. This is a harmless attack, by the algorithm of search queries to be manipulated.

In the current case, activists have distorted the algorithm of the search query “Idiot” so that as a result of countless images of US President Donald Trump to appear.

Different according to media reports, is not intended to be the incident, an action of the Internet group’s Google itself, but to the unknown political activists.

This simply wanted to point out how quickly security vulnerabilities in the network and also in the case of large search engine providers of attackers and manipulated can be used.

The reporting of the incident has contributed, according to the “Search Engine Land” even further, the U.S. President in the Google search under the keyword “Idiot” in the Google search than first appears.

am/hm (Search Engine Land/