50+1: DFL rejects the Child’s request


Defeat for Martin child: The President of Hannover 96 is not allowed to
The majority owner of the soccer Bundesliga. The conditions for a derogation are not met.

Club boss Martin kind may not be the majority shareholder in the football Bundesliga club Hannover 96. The German football League rejected a request for a derogation to the so-called 50+1 rule in Hanover. The DFL ab said on Wednesday.

“In the final evaluation, the DFL-Bureau came to the conclusion that the criterion of “substantial support” is not fulfilled as a prerequisite for the granting of an exception to the 50+1 rule,” said the League.

50+1 rule threatens to fall

It is expected that a child complains against the decision before an ordinary court. Experts predict that the 50+1 rule is eliminated in Germany. It says that the stem clubs must always hold a majority of the votes of outsourced corporations in professional football.

Dietmar Hopp, a partner of TSG 1899 Hoffenheim

Exemptions are around for Dietmar Hopp in 1899
Hoffenheim. You will be granted if one of the shareholders involved, at least continuously for 20 years, financially. This had taken a child in Hannover.

The DFL evaluated the case, at 96, however, is different and justified the negative decision: “The level of financial commitment, in each
each time during the 20-year period must be at least
the average budget share to meet the
Main sponsorship of the club, that is the highest individual sponsorship

Hannover 96 has leagues the opportunity to appeal to the Permanent arbitration Tribunal of the License.

al/ck (sid/dpa)