German culture as a culture of debate


An Initiative from 28 organizations and associations, has tried to the smoldering debate about the foundations of living together in Germany. What is English and what is a part of life in the Federal Republic?

Integration through culture: the Opera house project, with artists from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Germany in Augsburg

The conference room in the building behind the Brandenburg gate is Packed, arrives the Minister of the interior Thomas de Maizière (CDU). No wonder, because the paper in question here, have churches, ministries, non-governmental organizations and industry participated associations, under the leadership of the German cultural Council – a total of 28 organizations – as an “Initiative of cultural Integration”.

It is a favourite subject of the Minister – the call to but no one. Except for him: “The word ‘culture’ I have odds with the cultural Council, apparently, an opinion. I can’t find the word, find the word.” He smiles in the hall: “you can call it in my mission statement.”

Eddy has been a difficult term: De Maizière, and the dominant culture in the tabloid

Just two weeks ago, de Maizière (CDU), under the Heading “We are not presented burqa” ten theses for a German cultural identity. To him it was a matter of commitment, the value of the hands shaking and a Western attitude. So he has encountered many in front of the head politicians of the SPD and the Greens, accusing him of dividing the society and right-wing populists to speak the word.

Of his theses is not departing even now. He presents it rather as an important impetus to the discussion. “Culture belongs to the dominant culture,” emphasizes the Union’s politicians. And so he is pleased about the 15 theses that are presented. A new contribution to the discussion, which is what the Germans and the people living in Germany should arrive, to get along with each other.

For Integration it needs more than the basic law

“We have agreed that we use the term culture”, the managing Director of the cultural Council, Olaf Zimmermann, right, has guided the talks in the “Initiative for cultural Integration”. He finds that he was “burned” and not for a substantive discussion suitable. But, of course, Zimmermann attaches importance to the factor of culture, when it comes to a successful end.

The culture stands for, the authors of the thesis paper is on a level with the social Integration and work. Agreed they are not the fact that Integration through laws and regulations, work alone. “It is important for us that the basic law, especially in its first 20 articles and unchanging principles of life describes, alone, is not sufficient to have a social cohesion,” explains Zimmermann.

Difficult: understanding of cultural customs of Germany, for example, the shaking of hands

The role of churches and religious communities is described in the thesis paper as important, but also the possibility that without Religion life. The freedom of expression and the freedom of art will be emphasized. Language and Knowledge about the history of Germany, especially the Holocaust – the million-fold murder of the European Jews in the Nazi-time, are called as factors for successful Integration.

The paper considers the cultural diversity as a strength, but expressed understanding for the fact that people in Germany can feel the changes due to Migration threatened. Of the New, it is expected that you will be dealing “constructively with the cultural traditions, customs and values of the receiving country,” and respect. Point seven: “immigration and Integration are part of our history”. Only in the small print underneath it says: “Germany is an immigration country”.

Great satisfaction with the 15 theses for the Integration of

In the discussions after the presentation of the theses of the representatives of the participating organisations and associations – to Express surprise, surprise – very happy about the joint work. And it must be actually recognised as a power, that Jews, Muslims, Christians, local politicians, public authorities, Sport and environmental associations, trade unionists and entrepreneurs create it, within a few months, on a common platform. “A social milestone for these 15 theses are very good,” emphasises state Minister for Culture Monika Grütters (CDU).

Migration officer Aydan Özoguz is missing a Narrative that Germany is positive as a country of immigration

Aydan Özoguz, the migration Commissioner of the Federal government, in the theses an invitation to discussion, “what can statements Integration and Migration on the identity in this country.” But that is not so easy in the consensus paper – because to him, it should be noted that it should hurt nobody.

Interior Minister de Maizière filed for further discussion: “What is German, what holds us together and what role Patriotism plays? These points I miss.”