Winners and losers in the second row


Three smaller parties are now represented in the düsseldorf Landtag. For the NRW-election for fine adjustment of the Bundestag election campaign.

After the election is before the election: Now, intensive fighting for every seat in the Bundestag

Even as a winner, you can’t be a choice disappointed – if the result meets the high expectations. The Alternative for Germany (AfD), the Westphalia after the state election in the most populous state of North Rhine -. The right-wing populist party has had it with 7.4 percent on Sunday in the 13 The country’s Parliament, but the hoped-for two-digit result, it was not done. Last year it ran better overall for the party; but the result of the NRW election was in your view, better than the a week ago in the elections in Schleswig-Holstein and the Saarland. “The negative trend of recent months has stopped,” says the NRW top candidate Alice rye the day after the election in Berlin. The leadership of the party now expects for the Bundestag election in September, a further growth; it is not nationwide, far removed from the two Parking.

Almost there: Frauke Petry and Marcus Pretzell, AfD

The party Chairman Frauke Petry describes the Problem as: “The AfD is still perceived by many as being a protest party.” She concludes that from the data available to the voters. 120,000 of former non-voters would have made to the Petrys information with the AfD. That’s why they prescribed to their party a “Profile”. The voters knew still not exactly what the AfD stand “and also not, what you stand for.” In fact, many discussions like the one about the dealing with right-nationalist ideas of the young party are still virulent. In many of the local and district associations own Alternatives to the Federal government to be lived-AfD. Against the Thuringian party chief Bernd Höcke, a party exclusion proceedings because of derogatory Remarks about the Berlin Holocaust monument to be running.

Clear is the day after the election in NRW, the party leadership wants to be faithful to the image of a law, and democratic organization with perspective. “The older the party gets, the calmer you will be,” promises Marcus Pretzell, also the top candidate in the North Rhine-Westphalian land Association. “We will normalize as a party.” However, this goal is quite controversial in the AfD.

Green top candidate withdraws in the second row

Green wounds to lick: Sylvia Löhrmann and Katrin Göring-Eckardt

For all the disappointment about the single-digit result, the satisfaction remains the AfD, but to have the other parties with issues such as internal security and the reception of refugees in a tight spot – and, of course, that came behind the people’s parties, the CDU and the SPD into third place in the polls. The Greens, who ruled in the last term, together with the SPD were previously. The election day was a bitter day for the top candidate and incumbent education Minister Sylvia Löhrmann. “We have our choice of targets will not be reached,” the politician, “that was a very painful decision.” However, Löhrmann refers to the fact that you’ve expected for a while, even with worse: the Failure of the Five-percent-hurdle. Löhrmann not want to apply as a consequence of the poor result to a office in the party or state policy.

The crash of the Green from 11 to six percent in the state election leads to the Still-state politician but not a failure in the government. It is rather the mediation had been problems: “We have not convinced the voters.” One reason for this could be to Löhrmanns versions of the stuffed rate of the Greens in the coalition. “We may have negotiated too much behind closed doors,” she explains. In the future, a lesson from the debacle that was will be again fighting to occur. The Chairman of the party, Katrin Göring-Eckardt, believed that the opportunities of the environmentally sound restructuring of the economy had not been well enough communicated by the Greens. In addition, security issues would have to be with more attention. “I believe that we need to be for the election to the Bundestag, we are aware that the topic of play – for many, also for our voters – an important role.”

The One-Man-Show of the FDP

Without disappointment, or forms of self-criticism can occur on the day after the election, the FDP Federal Chairman, and at the same time NRW top candidate Christian Lindner in front of the press. He comes in alone. “We have always done it this way, that after a state election the leading candidate and national Chairperson to come, this time both who I am.” Lindner will be pleased that his party may join in the conversation after a long dry spell in another two country days, in Kiel and Düsseldorf. For his party, it was even the best result you’ve achieved ever in North Rhine-Westphalia. “The voters were looking for a pace-maker for the country’s policy,” explains Lindner. He sees the liberal Democrats under his leadership, thematically wider than before. “It’s been five years of hard work.” Lindner describes his party as being attractive for people “with a sense of life, who are generous and tolerant in dealing with others and curious about the future”.

The Bundestag is the aim: FDP-Chef Christian Lindner

Lindner can now also hopes for a return of the FDP in the Bundestag. According to opinion polls, the Pro-business party at seven percent. To leave Lindner is not due to excessive compromises in North Rhine-Westphalia, the country policy is broken. A coalition government with the CDU, although mathematically conceivable. Lindner decorates and cares for the profile of the party as an independent force. That’s why his party wants to participate only “in a real change of policy” of a government.

Personally, he is not there. He wants the election to the Bundestag on 24. September to Berlin switch. “In any case, I prefer to be influence a loose member of the Opposition in the Bundestag, as Deputy Prime Minister in Düsseldorf.”