‘Attackers convert data for Belgian workers online’


Information about the absence of thousands of Belgian workers at work last week, online published, report Belgian media Monday. The data might have been leaked by a fragile form of audit service Mensura Absente lwa sme.

By the vulnerable form would be “a few thousands of records’ published, as was the general manager of Mensura Absenteeism know to news agency Belga. According to him it is to control requests by companies of sick employees. The director emphasized, however, that there is no medical information would be leaked.

The vulnerability came to light by a security expert, who wrote on the blog Belsec. According to him, the form is prone to sql-injection, and were, therefore, the data of the employees in a database. Behind the attack would Rex Mundi sit. That is a group that in the past would be responsible for various hacks.

Rex Mundi demanded allegedly money from Mensura for the not online of the data, but here it was a Mensura is not. “That was strongly discouraged by the FCCU, our attorneys and the board of directors”, says the managing director of the Belgian press. Mensura has the form is now offline and filed a complaint with the Federal Computer Crime Unit.
