NPO ceases on 15 september 2015, radio broadcasts on medium wave


The Dutch Public Broadcasting stops on september 15, next year with broadcasts on the medium wave. According to the NPO, which the government strongly need to cut back, the cost to keep it in the air of NPO Radio 5 too high and there are sufficient alternatives for AM.

To the Volkskrant let NPO-director Radio Jan Westerhof know that the broadcast towers for radio broadcasts on medium wave are out of date and need to be replaced. This operation would be a lot of money. By the broadcasts, and currently only NPO Radio 5, AM to cease, the public broadcaster of up to 1.2 million euros in savings per year. The NPO has therefore decided on 15 september 2015, are broadcast on AM cease.

Westerhof adds that the high masts for the medium required very much power to consume and therefore, environmentally unfriendly. Every year there would be up to 3 million kWh of electricity savings can be as the masts no longer be used. Currently, there are two small religious stations active on AM, but the question is whether they are costs for upgrading the cell towers can pay.

According to the NPO, there are already sufficient alternatives for the medium. So the FM band is still, to a minimum of 2023 is used, but the public broadcaster has no right to a place on FM for NPO Radio 5. The transmitter will probably have to resort to dab+, the new digital radiostandaard which virtually all public and commercial stations are now to be found.
