EFF comes with antitracking-extension Privacy Badger


The digital civil rights movement Electronic Frontier Foundation for Firefox and Chrome extension developed that tracking to. The Privacy Badger tool blocks scripts, cookies, and ads that track the surfing habits of internet users in map try to bring.

According to the EFF’s Privacy Badger, the response of the organization on privacyinbreuken by the advertising industry. The tool, which is still in the alpha stage, but according to the EFF, not too buggy, seems to be further in terms of functionality on privacybeschermende extensions like Ghostery and Disconnect. The extension is compatible with Firefox and Chrome, and will, after analysis of a web site is automatically suspect scripts block cookies used for tracking, refuse it. Also by default the do-not-track-header sent with each request. Privacy Badger will, however, certain elements of third parties to pass in cases they are needed, such as embedded images or fonts.

The EFF claims that advertisers can ensure that their advertising messages are blocked by so-called do-not-track-headerinstellingen to respect, and so do not have to go to the mapping of the browsing habits of people who don’t want to. Or on a large scale is going to happen is the question. This week showed, for example Yahoo know that the support for do-not-track activities. According to the company’s do-not-track never become a widely accepted standard and will henceforth be a ‘personalized experience’ to offer.
