Creditors may file claims with faillissementsafwikkeling Mt. Gox


In the settlement of the bankruptcy of Mt. Gox creditors have until november 28, the time to their claims. The bitcoinbeurs came early this year in the problems, where hundreds of thousands of bitcoins disappeared.

The bankrupt Japanese company has on its website posted a message in which the American curators and the settlement of the bankruptcy to describe it. Creditors get to 28 november, the time to claims by the former bitcoinbeurs. There will also be in Tokyo organised a meeting where the financial state of affairs needs to be explained. The meeting is in theory meant for hundreds of thousands of former Mt. Gox users, who in particular dealt in bitcoins.

The bitcoinbeurs early in February, postponement of payment, after the stock market to hundreds of millions of euros to bitcoins was lost, probably stolen through a bug in the implementation of the bitcoinprotocol. A part of the bitcoins is found and these are about the creditors divided. Experts suggest, however, that there is never as much as bitcoins through the bug may have been captured.
