World Community Grid-project reports breakthrough cancer


Japanese scientists propose new potential lwa le forms of treatment for neuroblastoma to have found, a kankersoort in the brain that especially children will find. The so-called candidate drugs were found with the help of the World Community Grid project.

Report that the scientists on the website of the World Community Grid project. The researchers from the Chiba Cancer Center in Japan have to say that seven potential drugs found for a form of neuroblastoma that children occurs. The substances intervene in a zelfvernietigingsprogramma that all cells possess, called apoptosis. By programmed cell death to stimulate the tumor to disappear.

According to scientists, to bind potential drugs to the TrkB receptor located on the cell membrane. After binding the functioning of the receptor is inhibited, which then leads to activation of P53, an important molecule that acts as a protector against cancer. Ultimately, mechanisms are turned on that the cell death in motion.

Because the operation of the TrkB receptor was already known to went to the Japanese researchers looking for molecules that the operation could brakes. For this there are three million different substances analysed, where a lot of computing power. This was done by the World Community Grid project, which also Led to participate. The Japanese say that the calculations, in two years, with a conventional pc, about 55,000 years would have.

Although the finding of candidate drugs is a first step on the road to a working drug still need a long development process to be followed. Due to the complexity of drug development, are only few of these candidates ultimately on the market.