Right: collection of metadata by the NSA is unconstitutional and Orwelliaans


The program of the NSA where a sleepnetmethode telefoniemetadata of millions of Americans is collected, it is ‘likely unconstitutional’ and ‘Orwelliaans’, an American court in an interim injunction is determined.

The case against the NSA filed by a number of civil liberty organisations point, and the lawyers Larry Klayman and Charles Strange. The occasion was one of the first revelations from whistleblower Edward Snowden, in which he made public that the NSA, without court order, on a large scale metadata it collects from American telecommunications companies. According to the complainants, this is in conflict with the U.s. constitution, which is the undirected interception of Americans prohibits and privacy is violated.

Judge Richard Leon has now been in a temporary facility provided that the aftappraktijken of the NSA ‘very likely’ was in conflict with the fourth amendment of the Us constitution, reports The Guardian. The sleepnetmethode by the judge described as ‘unfocused’ and ‘arbitrary’ in its scope. Leon says in his judgment that the ‘almost Orwellian’ collection of metadata by wetsopstellers in the seventies omogelijk would be to propose, thus indirectly referring to outdated legislation.

Leon further states that the U.s. government in the evidence produced has not been able to demonstrate that the collection of metadata actually terrorist actions are prevented. This is one of the main arguments of the NSA undermined. The court, however, has not yet entered judgment, partly because the U.s. government in the appeal is gone. Nevertheless, it is likely that the judge ultimately to the detriment of the NSA will judgments. Also increases the chance that other cases against the NSA admissible will be explained.

Edward Snowden leave a comment to The New York Times know that he was convinced that the NSA aftappraktijken unconstitutional would turn out to be and that the American people had a right to an open process. It also claims on the basis of this interim decision, that a secret program run by a secret court approved the fundamental rights of Americans appears to violate. Also, he expects similar court judgments will follow.