CBP warns of dangers storage of medical data in municipalities


There is a lack of clarity about what public officials privacy-sensitive data, including medical data, children in juvenile care, the sick and the elderly can understand. This alerts the CBP. Moreover, it is possible in conflict with the law on protection of personal data.

The government has insufficient privacywaarborgen built into the laws that regulate that care responsibilities are transferred to municipalities, says the CBP, in a letter to the responsible minister of the Interior Plasterk. Therefore, it is possible for data to be misused for purposes they are not intended for. In addition, a lot of sensitive data from municipalities. This is to include medical information of children in Youth care walk, the long-term sick and the elderly. Also, criminal-law data, such as a person’s criminal record, come from municipalities.

The CBP points out that it is probably illegal to the transfer of tasks to municipalities as to perform. The CBP suggests that there is a “without further specifying the purpose and the required data” the personal data protection Act may be violated.

Plasterk has not yet responded to the letter of the CBP, that calls for a so-called Privacy Impact Assessment, a study of the impact of the plans on the privacy. The transfer of care responsibilities to the municipalities, a spending cut of the government-Rutte II, would, in 2015, should take place.