British educational institutions have 3d printers to buy


British schools need 3d printers to buy and this by students to use throughout the curriculum. Also would word processing as a subject shall be deleted have to be to be exchanged for a course in programming.

This is to be read in a new national curriculum by the British minister for education has been made known, writes the BBC. According to the plans, schools will be obliged to have a 3d printer have to purchase and students with the device to make it work. The minister argues that this is necessary, as 3d-printers and the long-term production of goods and the economy is structural change. Also, pupils need to experiment with simple robots.

In the new curriculum is further the subject of word processing deleted. Instead there is an induction programme in programming. This would be all of five-year students should be included. Among other debugging and a basic understanding about algorithms, is part of the curriculum. According to the minister, more attention is paid to learning how to program computers is a necessity for the British economy. The new curriculum should students knowledge of the dangers on internet on the lurk. Also they must be taught how their privacy can continue.

The national curriculum, which applies only to schools in England, in september 2014 followed. However, it is still unclear whether this will be achieved, partly because there are new teaching materials should be developed.