Research: still too much overtime at Foxconn


It’s going in the right direction at Foxconn, but there are still a lot of overtime. Research shows that the Fair Labor Association has conducted at the Taiwanese manufacturer. However, the number of overtime hours reduced.

In behalf of Apple the Fair Labor Association since last year, research into working conditions at Foxconn, which supplies Apple, but also Microsoft, Nintendo, Google, and Dell. Since the first inspections, the situation has improved, according to the organization. So there will be less overtime, but there is still a long period of time.

In two of the three investigated Foxconn complexes worked employees aged between 40 and 60 hours per week. In another Foxconn complex it was, with the exception of a number of weeks in which, on average, between 40 and 70 hours per week was worked. It is unclear what the exact average, but it is clear that Foxconn does not yet satisfy the legal Chinese limit of 49 hours per week. Last year turned Foxconn employees have an average of something less than 60 hours per week.

In addition, there is in some places in the Foxconn factories is still too little light and too much noise, according to the Fair Labor Association. Positive is, according to the FLA in Foxconn factories been no ‘trainees’ more, who are at the first inspections have little money for a lot of overtime made. Also, there are more employees involved in the committees of the trade unions, which initially were still dominated by the management.