‘Most of the digital espionage relies on phishing”


The vast majority of digital espionage relies on phishing, according to a report from Verizon. Even in sophisticated attacks, plays, phishing is often a major role. A large part of the digital espionage can be traced back to China.

From the report, that partly came about thanks to the Dutch police and the U.s. department of Homeland Security, shows that 95 percent of the spying on the internet have leaned on phishing. Both with smaller and with larger organizations that are being attacked plays phishing, in which victims, for example, be tempted their login details, a large role.

Research from security company Trend Micro confirms that min or more. According to that company plays in 91 percent of the digital espionage phishing a role. E-mail is, according to Verizon, the most common tactic for phishing, followed by face-to-face contact. Only a small part of the phishing scam relies on telephone calls.

China is behind a large part of the attacks. But up to 30 percent of the attacks are from a country other than the victim, according to Verizon back to that country. Digital spy was even in 96 percent of the cases traced back to China, claim the researchers. Also Romania has a large share on the cybercrimemarkt; 28 percent of the attacks comes from there. Romanians focus on financial fraud. One percent of the attacks originated from the Netherlands.

In 76 percent of the attacks used attackers stole passwords to come in somewhere; in 52 percent of the cases were hacks used, and at 40 percent of the attacks used by intruders and malware. In three-quarters of the cases were the attackers driven by a financial motive.