Scientists turn brain cells on and off via the 3d-lichtstimulatie


Scientists have found a way to individual brain cells on and off. The technique works with 3d-lichtstimulatie. Therefore, there can exactly be encouraged, and researchers can use the same method to neurological research to do.

The researchers of the research institute MIT-developed technique is based on optogenetica, which means that genes be turned on and off by means of stimulation with light. By a 3d-matrix to develop a beam of individual cells stimulating. That will then brain cells, which neurons are called, are individually turned on and off. According to scientists, is the 3d-lichtstimulatie an improvement over conventional optogenetische stimulation.

Optogenica is based on genes that are associated with light-sensitive proteins. By stimulating the associated gene is switched on and off, then again the cell is active or inactive. Although genes easily on and off can be, it is necessary to first gene therapy to apply. This is optogenetica not just permitted for use in human subjects.

Tentative would be the use of a 3d-matrix to targeted beams of light to send in particular can be used for neuroscientists that the brain would like to investigate. In the long term would such a form of lichtstimulatie can also be used for neurological disorders to treat.