“Google is going with France to consult on how to pay for nieuwsindexatie’


Google is probably going to be in talks with France over a proposed law that ensures that search engines, news sites have to pay to get content to index. The internetgigant had already know here opposed to his.

There would be appointments are scheduled with the French president Hollande, reports the French news agency AFP, which relies on an unnamed source. Google ex-ceo Eric Schmidt will send to the dialogue with Hollande. Also consults Schmidt with Aurelie Filippetti, the French minister of communication and culture.

The suspected calls are probably intended to reach an agreement on a bill that ensures that search engines should pay for content from French news sites to be indexed. Google gave earlier to French news sites will block if the law passage and warned that the traffic to the conscious news sites in that case, sharp will fall. Filippetti let know then be surprised about the impending show that Google come to an end.

Previously deleted Google all Belgian news sites from its search engine. This happened as a result of a court order.