German company develops e-reader for a tenner


The German company Txtr will in the short term, what they call the world’s smallest e-reader on ebay. The format is not, however, the most striking feature. The most special is the price, which not more than ten euro would amount to.

Other than a regular e-reader must the German Txtr Beagle, as the device is called, is more of a companion device for a smartphone. A smartphone, or at least a device with bluetooth, it is necessary to e-books on the Beagle; physical interfaces are missing completely. That prevents according to the company’s hassle with cables and chargers; books are only wireless on the Beagle. Charging is not required: two AAA batteries have about a year of reading pleasure to pose: how many pageturns that would be is unclear.

The Beagle should have this month come on the market and would then, if Txtr word, only 9,90 euro. This provides the company an e-reader that features an e-ink screen with a diagonal screen size of 5 inch and 800 by 600 pixels. The weight of the Beagle is only 128 grams, including batteries, and the device is only 4.8 mm thick. Apps for Android and iOS phones can be used to books in raw format to the internal, 4GB large memory of the Beagle to transport.

Update: the low price of a tenner for the ereader would be only as a supplied accessory with a smartphone apply. It is not known whether Dutch telco’s plans to have the Beagle.