XBMC celebrates tenth anniversary


Open source media center XBMC is celebrating this week his tenth birthday. Beginning October 2002, the first b lwa ta of the popular media centre software produced by the merging of two projects. Since then he has published many versions.

On 5 October 2002, the media player to the fact that the creator of YAMP, a user with the nickname Frodo, joined the Xbox Media Player team, and the two projects merged. The first public beta version of the combined code came ten years ago, available under the name Xbox Media Player.

Since that release there are many versions of the media player appeared. The first stable version, v1.0.0 came out in 2004 and was given the new name Xbox Media Center. In 2006, version v2.0.0 released under the name XBMC. In 2007 Linux support added.

The developers state that the project is many evolutions it has gone through. So is the version control of CVS via SVN to GitHub moves. Also supporting the project are now many platforms, formats, features and skins.

Recently, an Android version is announced. Adventurous tweakers can the nightly builds here already to try out. Coming soon is a version with the appropriate name of XBMC Frodo released. This version will, among other tv programs. Also the developers of the software on the Android console Ouya release.