Garage Games Torque 3D engine open source


Garage Games has the repositories are made public with the source code of their Torque 3D engine. The code is on GitHub and contains the latest version of the engine. The developer provides also four gametemplates.

Garage Games made earlier this month is already known that they are the source of their Torque 3D engine under the open source license would make available. That has now happened. The developer has two repositories at GitHub placed in, a repository with the source code of the engine, and a second with documentation. The use of the code under the MIT License, which allows users much more freedom than the common GNU General Public License. To users on the road, it delivers Garage Games four templates with which new games can be.

The repository contains the latest version of the engine. To the download is limited to keep Garage Games what textures and individual modules have been omitted that were included in the commercial version of the engine. Which, is not known. The developer promises even to pay the costs of parties who, shortly before the release of the engine, a license locked to the engine. The Torque engine was made for shooter Tribes 2 in 2001, and was subsequently used for less well known games like Ultimate Duck Hunting, ThinkTanks, Penny Arcade Adventures, SPAZ, and Frozen Synapse.

Torque 3D Engine