‘Three-quarters of infected European hosting servers in the Netherlands’


According to McAfee, is three-quarters of the European hosting servers that distribute malware, in the Netherlands. A quarter of a year ago was that ‘market share’ is still a lot smaller. Worldwide, the United States is the largest malwareverspreider.

Where the share of Dutch servers which malware spread within Europe a quarter of a year earlier, a third covered, is that in the last quarter, three quarters. This is evident from a report by McAfee. The cause of the increase remains unclear.

Worldwide, the US has the largest share of ‘malwareservers’, which can also go to websites on that server that have been hacked and used by the attacker to be used to spread malware. Also, the Bahamas, Australia, and South Africa in their regions large malwareverspreiders.

The United States is also the country with the most command-and-control servers, which allows botnets to be sent, already took that share by 10 percent compared to the previous quarter. China and Venezuela to host many such servers.

The report reveals further that the vast majority of mobile malware in circulation, is developed for the Android operating system. In total there were in the last quarter, 1.5 million malwarevarianten, according to McAfee, the largest increase in the past four years.