HP is WebOS division into an independent company


HP is developing WebOS to continue by the developers in a separate company. The company is Grams baptized and will exclusively focus on the development of software, where the emphasis is mainly on cloud services.

The new company, which is independent of HP will operate, is in fact a small software company that writes Web OS Nation. Gram works in the first instance, mainly on the mobile operating system WebOS, the corresponding input Enyo, and cloud services. About the plans of the company is, as yet, little clear, but Grams would not focus on the development of new mobile devices with WebOS, such as tablets or smartphones. That means that the company, in all likelihood, cooperation with hardware manufacturers will search.

HP announced some time ago to stop the development of WebOS products. Then called the company the Open WebOS project, in the life to the mobile operating system open source. Now is of almost all parts of the OS source code released.

It is not excluded that HP again in the future use of WebOS. Despite the discontinuation of the development and the departure of a large part of the WebOS team, the company could use the operating system will still not exclude. It does seem that with the establishment of Grams for sure that HP is no longer with the development of WebOS will interfere.