ClearWire begins with a 4g network in Brussels


ClearWire begins at the end of this year in Brussels, with the provision of internet access via its own 4g network based on lte. Other providers can at the moment no 4g offering in the Belgian capital, due to radiation standards.

The company goes from the end of this year subscriptions with 4g offering, so draw on. ClearWire makes use of the license that is hardware-vendor Datang bought on the Belgian frequentieveiling. While Clearwire for a long time only wimax was offered, it was last spring, announced that the company will continue with the 3g successor lte.

ClearWire will use existing antenna installations to its network coverage in Brussels. The company will probably be company name, in exchange for a new marketing name, which sometime in the coming weeks to be revealed.

The providers Mobistar, Base and Proximus say that the roll-out of 4g is impossible, because the radiation standards in Brussels are too strict. Therefore, first, the radiation of the 2g and 3g networks down, so that the 4g network should be rolled out. ClearWire offers no 2g and 3g, which the company does not suffer from that limitation.