Researchers wish the brain and the heart bets for authentication


Scientists are investigating whether one’s brain and heart can be used for authenticatiedoeleinden. The signals that the brain or the heart produce a unique personal ‘password’.

According to a scientist of the Mind Research Network in New Mexico, USA, is it possible to use brain signals to use for unique identification. With the help of a certain trigger, such as a photo, an eeg, a unique signal, such as a fluctuation in brain activity, are measured.

The scientist proposes a specific method for, where a person has a certain picture of a relative, for example choose ‘password’ and then a number of photos will be presented between which the selected family member. The signal that the eec receives at the sight of the picture, is unique to that person. The chosen photo delivers combined with the unique hersensignaal a two-fold security.

Also a heart rate can be as if beveiligingmechanisme be used according to a scientist from a university in Massachusetts. The form of a heart rate on a ecg exhibits three fluctuations: a large, short fluctuation, and two smaller ones. The two smaller ones have a unique frequency, which does not change, even if the heart rate rises, as it turns out after tests on two hundred people.