Fedora 18 put tmpfs in to writes on ssds to reduce


The developers of Fedora in Fedora 18 the /tmp directory is now by default mount via tmpfs, in which the working memory is used. In addition to possible prestatiewinsten go ssds, as less writes to perform.

In almost all Linux distributions are temporary files such as log files and cachingbestanden, by default, written to a hard drive or a solid state disk. By the /tmp directory, however to mount it using tmpfs can such files in ram will be preserved.

Some Linux-users who have an ssd in their system have been placed, adjust manually the mount points in the fstab configuration file so that /tmp points to a ramdisk with tmpfs is created. As a result, the writes to solid state drives limited, something the service life of ssds can benefit. In addition, there may be performance gains to be booked in because the ram is faster to read.

A proposal to Fedora-developer Lennart Poettering to Fedora 18 the /tmp folder by default to mount it with tmpfs, is by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee adopted. This will temporary files in the upcoming Fedora 18 release, which is expected in november will be released, now in a ramdisk to be saved. The developers are still working on the correct implementation. So, should certain files after reboot kept, for example, data stored in /var/tmp is stored.

In addition to Fedora, like other Linux distributions tmpfs implement. Among others, Debian and Ubuntu have plans, while Arch Linux users are already advises for tmpfs to use.