Firefox for Windows 8 running on the Metro and in desktop mode


Mozilla has announced that the Firefox version for Windows 8 is a hybrid design; the browser will be both within the Metro gui as in the desktop mode can run. To make that possible, get Mozilla any help from Microsoft.

Last month, it announced that Mozilla have a special Firefox on Metro-edition, but the browserbouwer has his plans has changed. Instead of two separate versions, a traditional desktopuitvoering and an edition for the Metro gui, will Mozilla the two versions merge. This is the opensourcebrowser to use in both environments and is only one installation of the application.

The Mozilla developers to make use of a feature that Microsoft specifically for browsers within Windows 8 has to offer: Metro style enabled desktop browsers. This applicatiecategorie shows a browser within Metro the ability to outside the sandbox, to run, to which he has access to most win32 api and the new WinRT api Windows 8.

In theory Firefox within Metro also plug-ins like Flash to call, but Mozilla provides no clarity. Or Firefox in the Windows Store will pop up is an unanswered question, but Mozilla wants to be in the second half of this year, both an alpha as a beta release.

A disadvantage of the Metro style enabled desktop browsers category is that a browser only within Metro can be active if it is the default browser is, again, a design scope of Microsoft that consistency in the user interface, the purpose would have. Normally, Internet Explorer 10 is the default browser and the user should probably specify that this is Firefox. Further, it is unclear whether Microsoft in addition to the exclusionary browsercategorie even more exceptions for certain Underground applications.