American authorities may, without a warrant issued phones search


In a lawsuit in the Us state of Indiana has a judge ruled that police officers, without a warrant, mobile phones on the phone numbers can be searched. The privacy breach could be minimal.

The police of Indiana had a phone found at the site of a police raid on a drug deal, reports Reuters. With the numbers on the device were found could be associated with several known drug dealers. The accused went in appeal with the argument that the police had the right to his phone to be searched.

According to the court, was the invasion of privacy so minimal that it was not contrary to the Fourth Amendment of the U.s. constitution. It is determined that there is no ‘unreasonable’ searches and seizures may take place. The court compared the telephone with a book: agents are allowed to have a calendar to browse to the address of the owner, but not the whole book read, and that was also not done according to the judge.