‘Measurement of faster-than-light-neutrino incorrectly by bad gps update


The measurement with neutrinodeeltjes a higher speed than the light seemed to pick up is probably due to a bad gps connection. A deviation might cause that the neutrinos faster than the speed of light seemed to travel.

According to ScienceInsider, a publication of the renowned scientific journal Science, have sources at the research institute CERN declared that a broken fiber optic cable is to blame for the erroneous measurement. This would not be a good connection between a gps unit and a computer. Compared to Reuters gave a spokesperson of CERN that there indeed were problems with the gps connection. In the measurements was gps used as a clock, while neutrinodeeltjes over a distance of 732 kilometres from Switzerland to Italy were shot.

Initially, after the CERN scientists that the neutrinos, after the passing of 732 km, faster traveled than the speed of light, where the difference is 60 nanoseconds was. When the experiment was repeated with a properly functioning fiber optic cable, would neutrinos no longer faster seem than light. By the new measurements to meet the particles back to the known laws of physics. It was already known that neutrinos speeds can reach close to the speed of light.

According to CERN, there are still additional experiments have been done that a definite answer on the impact of the broken cable. Maybe the research institute therefore still no official statement given, even though it is expected soon. However, gave a spokesman that the gps connection as a possible explanation for the faster-than-light-neutrinos is seen.

Several researchers had claimed that an error at the base would lie to the measurement. So, a Groningen scientist already know that an incorrect calculation to the faster-than-light-neutrinos led. Nevertheless, it gave a repetition of the experiment with the same results. It is also curious that such an error in the system so long undetected.

CERN came in september last year with the announcement that neutrinodeeltjes faster-than-light propulsion. According to current physics theories, it is not possible, which makes the research a lot of commotion.

Update 15:44 pm: CERN has officially confirmed the problems have been found with the gps connection, that the faster-than-light-neutrinos could explain.